I made a Nana-O'-Lantern

1  2018-10-26 by Mark_the_Chosen_One


Nightmare inducing.

I love the detail on the HGH chin.

I really can’t tell if this is an outline of a cartoon witch or an actual photograph of Anthony

On the other side of the pumpkin is a penis.

Or a glory hole

I respect your dedication to a joke but this shit is real gay.

That’s Marty Feldman, you stinker

No pock marks, no gravel face, nose not niggery enough, overall a 4/10

Fantastic dedication and if no one gets it, they’ll just think it a witch. Brilliant


It's pronounced "Igor"

Igor is 95% less "Wop-ish," pervy and with better skin.

In a few years he'll have better posture too. "What hump? I'm still hilarious."

not enough pock marks

When you turn it upside down, does it look like a beautiful woman?

No, but it does if you buy it boobs and take it for a ride in your Jaguar.

Fairly certain if we combined all of the wasted talent in this sub we could cure some kind of mildly irritating disease.

We are working on The Cumia Cure.

I still trick-or-treat at the age of 33 and I loudly critique the pumpkin carvings I see on the doorsteps of my bewildered and frightened neighbors.

I have autism and will most likely die after committing a mass shooting. Such is the life of a r/opieandanthony poster. Namaste.

Are you giving trick-or-treaters vibrating eggs?

This guys good.

A nice fed smile.

No, but it does if you buy it boobs and take it for a ride in your Jaguar.