We all hate Anthony, Jimmy, Sam...But can we take a second and remember how much this piece of garbage trash scum pig fuck SUCKED.

1  2018-10-26 by djexpat



Sal. Spoiled tattle tale intern who got promoted because he was a rat that Sam and Travis liked. He ended up being lazy and the hosts hated him so hard working Sam threw him under the bus.

I don't know who this is but I respect his life choices and hope he uses protection going forward. Don't want anything spreading around the bull pen.

Twink Steve C?


It’s fucking sal you cheese eating slimy prick fucks

I still don't know which obscure unpaid intern from a 5-years-defunct radio program you mean.

That's Sam

Still can't believe this asshole got hired and Sirius couldn't throw a few shekels toward intern David to keep him around.

He was fuckin funny dry heaving during the 1st Annual Gay-Off.