Did Ant’s Joe Rogan appearance get canceled or was there never one to begin with?

1  2018-10-25 by howlittleweknow

I remember seeing it being talked about a lot like a month ago and now nothing.



He's gonna be on jimmy kimmel too, don't forget

That's Jimmie Kimmul. On public access channel #7423.

You mean the Jamal al-Khumeel Show on Tele Tunis.

November brothaman nigga has shitloads of guest

He must be starting his traveling book tour during the Rogan dates

Rogan called into Ants show for 10 mins instead

There’s now way on earth that Ant goes on that show for three main reasons -

1) he is irrelevant 2) he is a racist 3) he is irrelevant and a racist.

Yes..subscribers got an email confirming..but not when

There was a point when he was listed on Rogan’s upcoming guests but disappeared.

His book tour to LA to do the west coast shows (Rogan/Corolla/etc) was going to be around the time of the book release in November.

Oh okay. I’m actually happy he didn’t get canceled. It’s more fun when Ant isn’t quite so deep into obscurity

Rogan said he won’t have Anthony on until Bobby Kelly loses 150 pounds.

he could have said 15 pounds.

(Kidnaps Bobby, cuts off foot)

Rogan only has well known relevant and interesting people on his podcast. Nana is neither.

Rogan is owned by those wme dudes, they wouldn't let a racist like tranth anywhere near his "brand"

No he's not. He's actually pretty independent and has controversial guests on. Nana is just a bore, which is why he'll never be on