“Sweet boy” Jim is the fucking worst

1  2018-10-25 by ProfessorChipperson

More than any of this fucking divas other rotten personality traits, his fucking “sweet boy” schtick makes me fucking sick. The staged Instagram pics of him kissing Mary Jean or getting makeup put on by Kelsey Cook, giggling when he shoots out another rancid egg white fart to the disgust of the studio, and the constant cutesy references to sucking dick or blowing trannies make me fucking livid. “Oh sorry I’m tired Rogan, I just spent the night with a ‘delightful young lady.’ GET IT?!?! THAT MEANS TRANNY TEE-HEE!!!” I don’t know how angry, mean Jimmy morphed into this spineless, effeminate hack.


He's 4 feet tall with progeria and AIDS. Have some compassion.

You'd think he'd at least get some testosterone from all the cum he's absorbed over the years.

he evolved, dude

Yeah. He evolved in the same way the human being sitting in front of the computer became an amphibian in “The Sound of Thunder.”

Jim doesn't eat sugar because they tell him he's sweet enough!

A bit stolen by untalented fat fuck Stavros of Cum town