12th result on google images when searching Joe DeRosa lol

1  2018-10-25 by throwawizzlemahnizzl


The distance between his "shoulder" and his neck is like an inch.

ol' No-Shoulders DeRosa

''He can't keep getting away with this " - Sam Hyde

Never realized Joe was quite the renaissance man

Joe Derosa is certainly "worldly". Or at least his parents vague ethnicity were.

the jew is cosmopolitan


They’re going after the guy’s livelihood for Pete’s sake!

For Pete's sake, let's hope that celebrity beaner he was banging has an NBA player balls deep in her asshole by Saturday.

Well, for our sake, really.

Which celebrity beaner?

That Grande broad.

Oh yeah, I get it now.

She's a wop you faggot. I don't care if you're racist, but be right about it

"Her name sounds like something you order at Taco Bell"

  • Racist comment according to Reddit/Twitter by a black guy

That's a good one

Frankly, I'm not concerned with what kind of nigger she is.

I thought he only had 1 shitty tattoo but look at that, looks like an oil spill

yes he has more than one tattoo and yes he does look like an oil spill

I searched to see if you were bullshitting or not and it came up as the ninth result for me. Awesome.

It's an image from this sub and I linked it directly so the more people click on this thread the higher it'll go 😄

Ha! It’s the 7th on mine!

da virus is spreadin lambchop

I say we let bygones be bygones with this Joe fella. He warned us about Anthony years ago and we didn't listen. He was damn near a prophet for this subs evolution.

I was shocked that he had one of the funnier sets at the Vos roast

Morton and the cellar master BBQers has evolved

how do you even explain to your black friend about supporting Come pound me dear? or your non shit skin friends?

guess who dont have to explain himself? Joe "The Vet" Derosa

I just listened to the Joe Derosa-Cumia falling out compilation on youtube. At the time it seemed like Joe was kinda a pussy about the whole thing but he actually came off pretty fuckin good in it. I went into the vid thinking he was a douche, and ended thinking he was just kinda a douche. He raised some rly good points against Ant. Ant was a bumbling idiot who tried saying over and over that he wasnt racist AND DIDNT KNOW STORMFRONT WAS A WHITE NATIONALIST GROUP. Hes such a fucking liar. Hes talked about the group on the show before.

His concerns about Ant were, in essence, completely understandable. You don’t want to go around associating with a racist who hates black people; that’s damaging to your reputation. It’s just that “what will my black friends think” is the gayest possible way to express that idea. It made him sound desperate for approval from the schwartzes.

You’re right though. In the end he was right about Ant (and I was wrong about both of them, I admit). In fact, the only thing that really bugs me about DeRosa is that he made amends with Ant and continues to appear on TACS. Anyone who still communicates with Anthony or appears on his show is legitimizing that pedophile, and is doing the world a disservice.

Joe is just really bad at getting his point across. His fight with Troy Quan was like that - Joe was right and Troy didn't even have any ammunition, Joe was just so bad at arguing that it seemed like faggot Troy was winning.

Why is he wearing Jim's clothes?

"Anyone who walks out of a meeting in Hollywood and isn't an Anti-Semite is either a liar, an idiot or wasn't paying attention."

Joe "I hate those big-nosed bastards" DeRosa.

That cannot be a real quote, but the bad thing is... I can't tell that it's a fake quote.

It's easy to come up with these fake quotes due to his nickname.. people need to stop scapegoating him

I hear he's arab. They don't like those people

I can't believe there's 12 results for that search...

what a mushy, soft, muscleless lump of shit

Can't we have one thread unrelated to Sam Roberts?

Let's get some Google Bombs goin' ta-day!

Well he's not wrong ya know!

It's now the 4th result. We need to make it so it's the first thing that pops up for any sadistic people who Google Joe derosa

Guuhhggle bomb


Motörhead sucks. Grow the fuck up, ugly man child.

Thats the way he likes it baby he don't wanna live forever



rip lemmy and fuck that motorhead is good bar music

Motorhead rules, fuck yourself and fuck Joe DeRosa for tainting Lemmy's good name

Says the faggot who only ever listened to Ace of Spades.

Nice $9.99 Target tshirt, stupid.

The real question here... Why were you researching him?

KKTITN Joe "Kill All Kikes, Even the Tikes" Derosa.

Outrageous! He said this?!

Kill Kikes. Trust In The Nazis.

I wholeheartedly disagree with Joe DeRosa saying that Jews belong in gas chambers!!!

I’m more a pizza oven guy.

dat jew crust doe

Why would you put this quote on a picture of MC Serch?

Not enough jokes have been made about this guy looking way too much like Jared from subway, even before becoming a pedo no one mentioned it

Alt Right Joe is something i can get behind

Joe used to trade Nazi paraphernalia with Lemmy.

So what you're saying is he's still trying to act like he's Italian.

Hey Joe, you're not Italian. Italians don't eat food on a leaf with the same hand you stinky A-rabs use to wipe your shitty asses. Go rub your armpits with curry and yogurt you dot headed faggot. He's the worst part of Saul. I hope they kill his ass sooner than later so he can get back to his hip-hop and horror short story career aka being a fag.

That's racist.


(Italians are a different race, right?)

It's up to the 5th result for me: https://imgur.com/a/tMI92zU

Nice shoulders, stupid.

"He's the kind of guy who makes you wish the holocaust did happened", Joe Derosa

"Jews are worse than stinky fucking niggers." - Joe DeRosa

To be fair, that looks like a guy you don't want to mess with.

This made me have the giggles.

Joe "I hate gefilte fishermen" Derosa

A wise man would ask, who would build a gas chamber with chimneys and a wooden door and call it a shower? Those germans sure was whacky and a lot of fun.

yes he has more than one tattoo and yes he does look like an oil spill

"Her name sounds like something you order at Taco Bell"

  • Racist comment according to Reddit/Twitter by a black guy

Frankly, I'm not concerned with what kind of nigger she is.

da virus is spreadin lambchop

Joe is just really bad at getting his point across. His fight with Troy Quan was like that - Joe was right and Troy didn't even have any ammunition, Joe was just so bad at arguing that it seemed like faggot Troy was winning.