What is he saying?

1  2018-10-24 by RBuddCumia


That the victims of these assassination attempts would be greedy fucks who had it coming. And that the NYT denies that - in JC's mind - obvious truth. At the same time, he is all in with the Prez who likes to have as much gold around as possible.

I had to read it twice. Not sure I got him.

Eh, she probably sent it to herself for attention, just like the one George Soros got.

I’m waiting for brother Joe to say they sent it to themselves to help in midterms.

Does this fucking dummy know we actually fought a civil war once?

Little known fact: slaves were actually in the same "socio-political" strata as everyone else and the Civil War never happened. #InfoWars #CompoundMedia

And most slaves took up arms with the confederate army to KEEP slavery legal. #WhatTheyDontTellYouOnLameStreamMedia

That he knows more about this developing story than the libtard fake news journalists who are covering it?

He doesn't know what he's saying. He has to spend some time on Stormer and Brietbart to figure out what it is he is supposed to say.

He doesn't know what he's saying. He has to spend some time on Stormer and Brietbart to figure out what it is he is supposed to say.

Has Stormer, Hannity, and Brietbart come up with the talking points for Joe yet? He seems like he might form his own opinion for once.

Has Stormer, Hannity, and Brietbart come up with the talking points for Joe yet? He seems like he might form his own opinion for once.

He's lost without Brietbart or Stormer talking points

To think that there is even one person out there who reads these tweets and actually thinks Joe is smart just makes me unbelievably sad.

To think that there is even one person out there who reads these tweets and actually thinks Joe is smart just makes me unbelievably sad.

USAs biggest socio-political divide in history? He is so fucking stupid.


Certainly was Vietnam in the 50s, 60s or 70s or Russia during the turn of the century.

This guy knows his history.

There is a zero percent chance that he knows what "socio-political" means.

Not a chance. But he LOVES using it any chance he gets.

That he’s an idiot.

this might be some false flag shit, I've seen a picture of the posted package, & the stamps are not stamped/cancelled.

I’m sure Fox News and Trump would be the first ones to say it.

The fucking idiot used the word 'whom' incorrectly. It should have been 'who are synonymous' or 'all of whom are synonymous'. Fucking dunce.

It is his way of stating that the person who sent the bombs had a legit reason for being “so angry” without outright saying it

Joe seriously does not know the difference who and whom.

It seems like he just uses whom as a smart version of who. What an absolute retard.

I’m waiting for brother Joe to say they sent it to themselves to help in midterms.