Faggot Jonah Hill complained to Stern because Jimmy Kimmel "fat shamed" him about his smell (video)

1  2018-10-24 by crookedmile


I can't find the audio, but basically he was bitching about being the Hollywood fat guy and was offended when Kimmel talked about his smell (The joke in his mind being that fat people stink, which they do because they're slobs)

He got rich and famous being that fat guy. Embrace it piggy.

he's like every comic, they only were funny guys for attention and would drop that shit to do a dramtic role in a heartbeat. look at Jim CaRREY or Robin Williams, they were the funniest guys in the room and it wasn't enough for them.

ME on a job interview in 2018 : '' Job skills ? Are you ''ability shaming ''me ? As a trans racial , Muslim ,breast amputee , non-white male person .... i find this highly WHITE AND HETEROSEXUAL . ''' Got a job in NASA ... Hollywood is making a movie about my '' trials and hardships '' with an all midget cast .

Hey Jonah stop complaining and thank your dead brother for bringing health into your life.

Remember back when people had personal responsibility, and didn't complain when people called them out on things like poor fitness and hygiene? You know, through stuff that's their responsibility

I wish people in my life would call me a fucking pig so my dumb brain can say "Hey maybe this entire can of Pringles shouldn't be dinner tonight" or "Wow water is a lot better than this tea you drink all the time"

Oink Oink Piggy

Straighten up and fly right, fat faggot

I wish people in my life would call me a fucking pig and give me buckets of money to be in shitty movies.

Quit being a fat faggot.

Thin faggots get loads of money these days, go be one of them!

Yeah you're a big fat disgrace because of all the tea you drink. Wake up to yourself, fatty.

He's had everthing handed to him in life growing up in a rich jewish family. When you grow up in a sheltered existence, you can't take an once of criticism. I bet he is still sour over that French interview; where he threw a hissy fit after the interviewer mocked him.

I listened to the Stern interview, he comes across as a bigger cuck, crying faggot than you could possibly imagine. I’ve always thought of him in this light, but he exceeded any expectations of pussydom I could ever have had about him.

His constant name-checking of Tribe was weird. We get it dude, you're a jewish white guy who had the Low End Theory on tape when you were growing up. Mad street cred

Jews aren't white people.

Are they still people?

No they move about a lot.

Tsssss, movement yuma

Terrible yuma

Listen to his interview with the breakfast crew it's even worse because their black and he wants to impress Charlemagne

Listen to his interview with the breakfast crew it's even worse because their black and he wants to impress Charlemagne

Listen to his interview with the breakfast crew it's even worse because he wants to impress Charlemagne with his hip hop knowledge

Low End Theory

Nice name drop, faggot.

he comes across as a bigger cuck, crying faggot than you could possibly imagine.

he's a kike who got his start in hollywood because he was friends with dustin hoffman's kids. When Dustin Hoffman is the manliest guy you know, of course you will be a faggot

He sounds like a gay ass wigger.

I wouldn't think a fat kike would smell particularly good either.

Well not raw, you gotta roast them first.

Kimmel tried

Fat guys look like complete faggots after they lose all the weight and become skinny.

Well he's plumping up again. Gastrosurgery means shit in the long run if you have no self control. His tatoos would make Pete Davidson cringe.

Yeah, this abject faggot thinks bariatric surgery saves lives. It doesn't. It subjects its victims to a lifetime of telling doctors and Emergency Room attendants that he has a permanent, life-threatening abdominal injury caused by the fact that he can't stop eating hamburgers and cheese.

Nice nariatric arrogance, stupid.

Their heads always wind up looking enormous.

The "Reverend" Al Sharpton has a comic book huge head.

So does that other New York weather reporting idiot who also cheated death with bariatric surgery, Al Roker. He has a Mardi Gras float-sized head on par with Al Sharpton and Nancy Reagan.

I didn't know who I was, but now that I do, I got a bunch of tattoos.

A fucking retard.

Turns out, I was a douchebag all along!

What annoys me about this is that he's still fat. You know you're a disgusting gluttonous fat fucking disgusting smelly fucking slob if you get congratulated on your weight loss when you're actually still fat. His sister's a whale too. And like him she's so ugly to the point that drastic weight-loss barely improves their overall aesthetics.

Looks like him in a wig.

Probably is

Respect her transition, please

Jesus! What was going on in that (((house)))?

Its some sort of jewy Adams family

What’s his sister gotta do with it? I’m all for a good bashing but she’s just a “civilian” leave her fat ass alone.

That's literally a screenshot from the movie Ladybird, retard

Oh snap! ok.

Nice try with the hate though!


He's probably not that great a person, but he's a fantastic actor. Loved his performances in "Wolf of Wall Street" and "War Dogs". I try to know as little as possible about actors personally.

Figures you would, jew. Always propping each other up.

I'm not Jewish, I only want to be.

Me too but only so I van open a restaurant called God's Chosen Pizza

"Maniac" is possible the worst show on Netflix right now.

Everyone is telling me to watch it, it looks awful, but its the director of true detective season 1 so i gotta give it a try

It's a hodge podge of a bunch of crap that shouldn't go together. "Stranger Things" is a straight up homage to 80s Spielberg movies, and it works because it's copying something that's actually good. "Maniac" is basically a writer trying to blend together a bunch of elements that don't fit.

This is an awful take. Maniac is fantastic and you don't know what you're talking about.

It’s well-directed and I’ve got a raging boner for that Asian girl, but overall it thinks it’s a lot smarter than it actually is.

She has a nude scene in Ex Machine on Netflix.

She had a nude scene in Ex Machina on Netflix

Yep, came off as pretentious

She has a nude scene in Ex Machina on Netflix.

I saw that a while back, definitely time for a rewatch.

I found myself liking big mouth, maybe I'm just an immature boob, but it was kinda funny. Just skip season 2 episode 2 though, it talks about female body positivity so I assume that's where the shower thing is. Oh and that old man hormone thing can fuckin die, it's the antithesis of humor and obnoxious. The season 2 subplot I found more interesting than the main one, you're basically watching one of anth's little girls be created.

My tastes aren't refined I like a fart as much as the next fat person, but I found myself laughing at the dumb shit jokes; realistically it's a grosser family guy. I recommend it.

I found myself liking big mouth, maybe I'm just an immature boob, but it was kinda funny. Just skip season 2 episode 2 though, it talks about female body positivity so I assume that's where the shower thing is. Oh and that old man hormone thing can fuckin die, it's the antithesis of humor and obnoxious. The season 2 subplot I found more interesting than the main one, you're basically watching one of anth's little girls be created.

My tastes aren't refined I like a fart as much as the next fat person, but I found myself laughing at the dumb shit jokes; realistically it's a grosser family guy. I recommend it.

I found myself liking big mouth, maybe I'm just an immature boob, but it was kinda funny. Just skip season 2 episode 2 though, it talks about female body positivity so I assume that's where the shower thing is. Oh and that old man hormone thing can fuckin die, it's the antithesis of humor and obnoxious. The season 2 subplot I found more interesting than the main one, you're basically watching one of anth's little girls be created.

My tastes aren't refined I like a fart as much as the next fat person, but I found myself laughing at the dumb shit jokes; realistically it's a grosser family guy. I recommend it.

I found myself liking big mouth, maybe I'm just an immature boob, but it was kinda funny. Just skip season 2 episode 2 though, it talks about female body positivity so I assume that's where the shower thing is. Oh and that old man hormone thing can fuckin die, it's the antithesis of humor and obnoxious. The season 2 subplot I found more interesting than the main one, you're basically watching one of anth's little girls be created.

My tastes aren't refined I like a fart as much as the next fat person, but I found myself laughing at the dumb shit jokes; realistically it's a grosser family guy. I recommend it.

I found myself liking big mouth, maybe I'm just an immature boob, but it was kinda funny. Just skip season 2 episode 2 though, it talks about female body positivity so I assume that's where the shower thing is. Oh and that old man hormone thing can fuckin die, it's the antithesis of humor and obnoxious. The season 2 subplot I found more interesting than the main one, you're basically watching one of anth's little girls be created.

My tastes aren't refined I like a fart as much as the next fat person, but I found myself laughing at the dumb shit jokes; realistically it's a grosser family guy. I recommend it.

you are gay and an idiot. Fuck off.

That's ok. I thought about quitting this site anyway.

I think I might hate him more than anyone else. He has no redeeming quality.

There’s no more abhorrent personality than the overly sensitive fat guy. Go back to being a wacky less-stoned Seth Rogen, nobody wants to hear a fat man complain about being microaggressed.

I’m guessing Uncle Howie completely supported his whining too, right?

The thing that bothers me the most is that he doesn't know who Tony Romo and Peyton Manning are. I don't give a crap about football, but how far up your own ass do you have to be to not have heard of them? Beyond even Jim Norton level ignorance.

He is a in the closet,self loathing homosexual,it comes through in everything he does.Come out all ready.Fatso.

Oh no... he's gone more pretentious Hollywood faggot than Kimmel at this point. If that was possible.

"I'm 34 now, so..."

It's like Chaz Bono's body and Avril Lavigne's mind melded and made this self deluded twat. What an entitled rich kid cunt.

"I'm 34 now, so..."

It's like Chaz Bono's body and Avril Lavigne's mind melded and made this self deluded twat. What an entitled rich kid cunt.

"I'm 34 now, so..."

It's like Chaz Bono's body and Avril Lavigne's mind melded and made this self deluded twat. What an entitled rich kid cunt.

"I'm 34 now, so..."

It's like Chaz Bono's body and Avril Lavigne's mind melded and made this self deluded twat. What an entitled rich kid cunt.

Imagine having to smell one of his awful lox dumps. What a fat little pussy.

Not as bad as crying over a dead lion you never heard about.

pretty douchy move by kimmel tbh


Fat, skinny, fat, skinny. Make up your goddamn mind Jonah, this constant yo-yoing isn't good for your long-term health.

There is no such thing as "fat shaming". Stop being a whiny blubbergut and do something about it.

didnt he die his hair red too or so,e gay shit... he is the fat pete davidson now

Fat people smell bad. Deal with it. When you can't reach to wipe after you shit you smell bad. When you don't know how to groom your shitty mustache, beard and/or neckbeard, you smell bad and should be shot on sight.

What annoys me about this is, the dude had surgery to make his stomach smaller, to the point he pukes if he eats to much.

No effort to lose weight.

Imagine someone saying seriously that their sister is their hero. His good person schtick is infuriating, you know deep down he is a total asshole. Fucking headcase.

I had never really listened to his personal stuff before, but I listened to him on Bill Simmons' podcast. Has he always been such a wannabe-"woke" wigger? Jesus, he was insufferable.

He doesn't want to be a guy who's funny for being fat. So he should just stop being fat.