This goddamn motherfucker: 10/23/18

1  2018-10-24 by crookedmile


Dawn secretly posts her vitriol against her stupid brothers here

I'm actually Dawn now send me weiner photos

Remember when somebody found Joe's account here and he actually did criticize Ant a lot?

"Must be nice to be rich"

Dawn kind of publicly bashed Joe there. She's basically like, "Of course my dumbass brother called them back. He's an idiot! LAUGHING UNTIL I CRY EMOJI"

SOY BOY 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂

"Curry breath” ... violating TOS?

He never seems like he's just goofing around either. It wouldn't be a bad line if it wasn't rooted in hatred.

Ol' curry breath just placed retardo on the permanent call list because he actually calls them back. They'll figure out his penchant for knock off guitars in no time.

Don’t you dare get him banned from Facebook, these updates are the highlight of my day.

He'll just make a new xyz whatever account. The good news is getting him shitcanned for a little while will piss him off no end, making subsequent retardations all the more entertaining.


He has all the old person writing tics down. Lots of periods....random Capitalisation of Words, an inability to stay on topic for longer than 2 seconds.

Also, how do you hang up a phone without picking it up?

Decline the call?

Oh that Joseph!

"You wanna play...?!"

"This is what I do now!"

"This aint your show"

you are gay and an idiot. Fuck off.

That's ok. I thought about quitting this site anyway.

This is pure fantasy isnt it? I've never had a voicemail left from a cold caller and its always from blocked numbers.

It's probably true, what isn't true is that Joe Potato represented some kind of novelty to the scammers in any regard. Here's a video of a guy who called the same people this dunderhead called, baited them and destroyed 200+ of their computers:

Coincidentally, he's a millenial if I recall correctly. Having an entire network of computers destroyed is stressful, dealing with a delusional geriatric who can't even get his daughter to school on time is not.

That's a good point, and it suggests that it probably came from the real SSA. I hope his stupidity lands him back in court.

Nobody is "mentally outgunned" by this dipshit. He's surprised that a scammer isn't willing to spend time answering pointless questions instead of finding another elderly victim.

He thinks he's "mentally outgunning" Asian scammers, but they have bilked him out hundreds of dollars already though knock-off guitars. Joe is truly a stupid man.

Ya well who GOT the GIRL you liberal, safe space snowflake (crying laughing emoji)

Beat you can't peel a 🥔 as fast as Ace peeler Joseph

Joe is a modern day Don Quixote. I've never seen anyone thump their chest so much for doing something completely retarded

If Don Quixote threw Sancho Panza’s money at the windmills.

Sabes que duuuuudeeee...

Good to see he is a Bonfire fan.

I hope Fender India tries to sell this dumb fuck another $50 guitar.

Joe's idea of mentally outgunning someone is asking for their credentials?

And maybe even...calling them back! And who wants that?!

Man, I hope he gets his identity so stolen.

The identity thieves would probably give it back. Nobody wants to be Joe, lest of all people, Joe himself.

They’d steal his identity but be confused as to why all of his finances are listed under Anthony Cumia.

It would be like a reverse scam. Ironically if it happened, it would actually be pretty badass. Not that he would see it that way of course.

It was a real call and he owes back taxes but he's too retarded to figure that out.

He thinks he's some genius for getting hung up on by a telemarketer whose goal is to hook as many rubes as possible. Bitch, if they know you're not interested, they immediately move on. They're trained to do that.

He's so easy to dupe that he needs to write a back-patting laudatory speech when he doesn't get rolled for hundreds of dollars.

Just think how low his bar is set, though. He'll take anything he can get and revel in it like a pig in moldy potato peels.

He’s very mentally ill

Nah he's just incomprehensibly dumb. Putting him in the same category as someone like The Joker would be giving him far too much credit.

Joe CALLED A TELEMARKETER BACK and things he has the high-ground mentally.

Almost sounds like the mentality of a person who would go on a farcical circus of a trial court, make an unmitigated fool out of himself, and consider it one of if not the greatest victories he's ever had.

Sounds like hate speech, also, who the fuck would argue with someone like that. Other than a racist senile old man, I hope he can still enter into contracts

This autist actually hashtagged "proudbabyboomer"?

Probably the most infuriating part.

The retardation behind the thinking that went into it is stunning. He has to have gotten himself so obsessed with the idea that millenials are his arch-enemies, that he has delusions of them all going around categorically trashing that generation non-stop. Meanwhile I doubt half of them even know what one is. And the ones who do literally never even think about them.

Plus he uses a hashtag like a little girl while announcing his elder pride

you are gay and an idiot. Fuck off.

That's ok. I thought about quitting this site anyway.

Interestingly enough, boomers are far less likely to differentiate fact from opinion than non-boomers. Increasing life expectancy this much was a mistake.

I think it's a school thing. Exam questions have gotten increasing focused on trying to trick you with absolutes an near-absolutes. And the closer you are to school age the fresher that is going to be in your mind.


The wording is the whole key. The words you're taught to be looking for and singling out right away are:


- "largest portion"


- "some"


- "significant portion"




- "greatest"


- "very big"


- "always"


- "most cases"


- "essential"


By about 12th grade you ought to be able to notice the difference like a steel trap.

I'm tired of waiting for these people to die.

These scams have been going on since before milennials were born. Joe's brain can make the most insignificant shit into a poorly informed political tirade.

I hope he gets tapeworms.

When I started reading, I thought Joe was genuinely angry, but then he didn’t capitalize IDIOT, FOREIGN, and SOY-BOYS. So, he’s kinda sending mixed messages here.

Even Fat Opie has realized that his brother in law is retarded.

If only we could find another doddering, idiotic geriatric, we could call both at the same time like the old "Two Chinese Restaurants - Different Closing Times" radio bit, and let them hurled confused, outdated insults at each other.

Him and Owen Benjamin could recreate scenes from Looper.

I hope you're reporting all these racist posts.

Btw I like the irony in how Joe uses the term "soy-boy", despite himself having to use HGH.

I hope calling the scam number was charging him $40/minute

I’ve noticed that nobody uses the term “soy boy” quite as much as guys approaching Social Security age who type with one finger and haven’t done a pull up in their life.

Goddamn it, the worst is going to be when Joe starts talking about Social Security as a benefit he "earned"

Peeled those potatoes for his country, brother.
Show some respect.

Meanwhile raging about welfare, which is an entitlement, which includes social security.

More importantly, joe didnt generate yearly reliable taxable income that pays into social security

Af least he will get his. I’m going to miss it by like 4 years.

He was really proud of this.

Boomer Bro needs to take a nap.

Joe has way too much fucking free time.

Human garbage.

Mentally outgunned via not working a job

I see every Cumia uses emojis to convey their thoughts.

The weird thing, is Anthony at least has had the internet for at least 4 years before I got it. He talked about having it in the mid-90s when you had to wait 10 minutes for a black and white pic of some tits to print. The rest of the world has only been using them rarely and ironically for the last 10+ years.


What a huge dumbass. This is one of the oldest scams in the book and this brain-damaged baby boomer was stupid enough to actually call them back.

Holy shit. If he's trolling us at this point, then well done.

a job interview with a millennial

When the fuck was the last time Joe had a job interview? He peeled potatoes in the military, then sold cocaine, stole car parts from blue-collar Americans, started a bar band with his brother, then rested on the laurels of this illustrious career once he could strongarm his baby brother into giving him an allowance.

Why does this elderly societal burden think anyone's interested in every single mundane interaction he has in his insignificant, wasted life?


"The cuck soyboy at the drive-thru at Mcdonalds ask if he wanted to supersize and I told him no. BOOM ROASTED! 😂"


Its so funny that this guy is so ill equipped to work that he doesn't even understand when a scammer is doing a job correctly.

Oh the scammer didn't waste time with someone who's obviously unemployed and has so little to do in life he actually thinks its fun to talk to scammers in an unfunny completely mundane way

> unfunny completely mundane way

He could have just trolled him and had a laugh about it like a normal person with a hint of intelligence, but Dummy sees himself in the trenches fighting some epic cultural war.

Allright dude relax.

What's insane to me is that this family is so egotistical that they can't recognize what trash they are. Even with the entire internet being a mirror.

If I didn't know the depth of this retards stupidity and vanity I would be completely convinced his social media is a set of parody accounts.

He writes these poorly written manifestos three times a day about the most inane vapid bullshit.

Also, I heard he raped a guy at the Apple Ranch in 2007.

crackle crackle? He's not a scam artist, he's just an agent of the bonfire

proud baby boomer


the most faggoty thing Joe has ever said.

Noodle armed? Nigga fat isn't muscle. If you lost weight you'd be just as noodle armed as your 'soy-boy' pussy brother.

This is coming from a guy that has never worked

This man spends his days doing nothing but watching propaganda videos. He'd make a great member of ISIS; but even ISIS members are able to hold down a job.

How insecure can one man be?

I hate this man

this idiot is confusing hindus and arabs

The only thing he proved is even an IRS scammer has less time to waste during working hours than shiftless Joe Cumia.

I fucking hate him so much.

"Soy-boys"... This old faggot tries way to hard to be hip.

Joe Cumia claiming that he "mentally outgunned" someone might be the funniest thing I've read in my entire life.

I'm glad someone finally cracked the code that spam calls are an ISIS-backed, agenda driven, millennial group.

Glad Joe's getting to the bottom of this. We make fun of him for being unemployed, but while some of us are working for a living, Joe fortunately has the time to play Crank Yankers with cold callers that make $0.08 a day.

Didn't this guy get scammed multiple times by anonymous people? He's thumping his chest when he literally doesn't even have a winning record against them.

Grandpa Joe finally discovered that you shouldn't automatically believe everything a stranger on the phone tells you.

What a loser

I can't even imagine having this much free time

What seems like a throwaway comment by Opie makes Joe look even worse now. During the unmasked with Ronnie B, Opie said "I think Joe thought it would be the Opie, Anthony and Joe Show" or something to that effect.

You just know he must hate that it didn't turn out that way, given that he thinks every thought he has deserves a 5000 word essay on facebook.

GTFOOH? He's such a dumb granma.

You know why most people don't call back?

They have jobs and other responsibilities to attend to.

You know why most people don't call back?

They have jobs and other responsibilities to attend to.

You know why most people don't call back?

They have jobs and other responsibilities to attend to.

with all the diatribes he writes about scams he's caught, imagine all the ones that have totally robbed him of this weeks allowance without him knowing

Badge number, has ever had to visit the SS office. They’re just low paid clerks who look at your documents on a shitty desk.

This is proof positive that BroJoe is always the smartest person in the room. Right until someone with an IQ of 101 walks in.

Stupid scammers. If they were smart they would get their brother to pay all their bills for them

Imagine the Facebook post if something actually interesting happened to this wordsmith.

He’s literally retarded

Brought to you by the man who proved once and for all on a nationally syndicated television show that racists and child-spit connoisseurs can in fact enter into binding legal contracts.

If Don Quixote threw Sancho Panza’s money at the windmills.

Just think how low his bar is set, though. He'll take anything he can get and revel in it like a pig in moldy potato peels.

Peeled those potatoes for his country, brother.
Show some respect.

Meanwhile raging about welfare, which is an entitlement, which includes social security.

Grandpa Joe finally discovered that you shouldn't automatically believe everything a stranger on the phone tells you.

Sabes que duuuuudeeee...

Af least he will get his. I’m going to miss it by like 4 years.