All the black people on this sub

1  2018-10-24 by J0hnEddy

Can you tell me your life story up until this point, it can't not be fascinating


I have a hyphen and apostrophe in my name. I am unable to conjugate verbs and my sense of time is off by 30 minutes. Fathers Day is just another Sunday BBQ. And, if you use the hard “r” on me, you best not be white.

i could get away with a soft "uh" but then id finish with a hard "get"

That title is oxymoronic.


Kuhn is the patron saint of negroids who visit this fine place.

We are not racist, the retard girl with the fucking disease boil for a belly button and weird looking pussy can tell you, we love u/sams_seed. She is our token so we can be racist and claim we have a black friend.

Her pussy isn't weird looking unless you are gay

It's black and has been blown out by thousands of black cocks. It's not weird looking, it's just dick softening.

Once upon a time there was a lil baby girl so prettty that her parents could sell her pics for crack

nice life story, stupid

They just sold you, because they are black and not good businessmen

Worth every cent.

Oh wow, I didn’t realize you had a personal connection with the Cumia brothers.

In Hispanic but I'm darker than u/Sams_Seed so I'm not sure if I count.