Amy Schumer's pregnancy represents the first successful attempt at growing a human fetus in a pig's uterus

1  2018-10-23 by InnocentChrisKuhn

Two of the lead scientists at UC Berkeley are now being recommended for a Nobel price in medicine.

To make it short: I however am fearful, that science has gone to far and strongly suggest that both embryo and host should be euthanized.


I'm almost certain her cheeze whiz diet will lead to a miscarriage and she'll turn it into how she's the victim. In fact, she's probably lying about being pregnant anyway and it's just a stunt to make up for the Super Bowl "protest" failing.




chapo fag

chapo fag

This really isnt clever, and now some BuzzFeed journalist will use a screengrab of this to explain why her Netflix special was unfunny.

Be more tactical.


2019 will be the year of the pig.

I heard Steve C's DNA was used. They are hoping for a Man Bear Pig

Making quite the assumption claiming its human DNA or a human fetus