Carlos Mencia - a brown fella - stole jokes and got his career completely ruined by Joe Rogan and Mark Maron. Amy Schumer - a white lady - did the same thing and people defend her.

1  2018-10-23 by Every1ShouldBKilled

Maybe all those fags in academia have a point about unconscious bias and all the racism you cant see but is there.

Or maybe (((they))) protected her?


White women have it easier than any group of people on the planet.

I second this. Remember that Patrice bit on Elephant in the room where he is referring to Natalie Holloway and the other chick killed in Chile?

lol yeah and that Peruvian girl was killed like the day before he did that show.

Yeah, Halloway’s brutal murder was much easier.

Whats her name?.... EXACTLY!

Why would Americans know the name of a recently murdered Peruvian girl more than the name of an American girl whose murder mystery had spanned years?

It’s a bit stupid.

You're right it is, but stupid in a funny way.

He plays to the lowest common denominator in the room, that's why they all fall over theyselves and run around in circles.

You're right it is, but stupid in a funny way.

He plays to the lowest common denominator in the room, that's why they all fall over theyselves and run around in circles.

You're right it is, but stupid in a funny way.

He plays to the lowest common denominator in the room, that's why they all fall over theyselves and run around in circles.


In THE HISTORY of the planet.

In THE HERSTORY of the planet

Who enabled them?

chapo fag

Jews aren’t white. I read they aren’t in their own publications.

They are when it serves them and they aren't when it serves them

Schrodinger's kike.

I loffed

And still they throw a bitchfit when you call them shapeshifters

A lot of them do look reptilian, like Bloomberg

I can almost hear ‘hava nagila’ just by looking at this image

chapo fag

Jews are the only religion wherein if you call someone a Jew, it is a pejorative.

Kurt Metzger stole the jokes and sold them to her. My Amy didn't do anything wrong except for trusting that German ogre. Get your facts straight.

My Dovid

Holl up !!!!

1)Mencia got caught . Now can't steal more material . Career over . 2)Schumer got caught . Now can't steal more material. Become '' the face '' of SJW wahmen . .... ... that's just smart re-branding .... heebs are smart ... persons

Mencia is still a very successful road comic. I'm not a fan, but he still has people willing to spend $30 or so to see his standup.

Mencia kills. Even if he uses other people's material to do so.

Jews aren't White? They are the worst kind of White people there is.

Worse than the Tuinesian (Cumias) brothers?

It does help being connected to the largest evil in the world by only a few steps.

Carlos Mencia has more true Aryan blood in his veins. This is the irony.

How can Schumer have Aryan genes when she isn't even the same species?

Mencia and Luis Gomez both confirmed and documented honorary Aryans

Ned Holness.

chapo fag

It's not because she's white, its because she's (((white)))

The video is why he lost his career because Rogan bullied him and won. Also, you may not remember but not on video, before the Rogan incident, George Lopez cornered him at a club for jacking a ton of bits and Mencia got all scared.

100% if someone does a video with Amy in it and turns a crowd against her, her career will end also. You need to feed the fucking beast. Amy had compilations on YouTube. It's not the same thing. If another chick were to confront her live and call her the fuck out it would ruin her. And I would jack off to it.

That sounds so badass, I wish there was one

Years ago on twitter Wendy Liebman and another female comic, I think Kathleen Madigan, we’re publicly talking about how Schumer was a joke thief. Less than 12 hours later, their conversation was deleted.

This was before the joke stealing compilation videos.

Tammy pescatelli too. Schumer is good at silencing women comics

Those chicks are worn road comics. It won't be an elderly lady. You need the Cardi B of comedy to just dowse her in truth juice.

white meat privilege

Carlos was defiant about it, and he stole from guys he worked with. He'd do another comic's bit before he went on stage as a power play.

Amy denied it, and she has a writing team, so nobody held her personally responsible for the stolen jokes.

Amy Schumer did a lot more than steal jokes. She literally stole thousands of dollars of merchandise at a time. She skated on according to her own account grand larceny on six figure's worth of merchandise because she's history's most unduly coddled and pampered class, race, gender and region combo: Upper class jew women politically connected all the way to the Senate Majority leader in New York. Do you really think she'd get taken out because Metzger and Jeselnick and the other monkeys stole some stuff from Patrice O'Neal and MAD TV? She was always going to be a multi-millionaire propagandist, an internationally famous forced-meme right down to her television show, comedy specials and movies.

And yet she's still mad and claiming something-ism (in this case, sexism) and complains about how hard it is to be a woman.

That hog faced bitch is no lady.

I don't get it. Even Dipaulo has to say "ah but shes a good friend of mine" every time he references some shit in regards to Schumer. Fuckin weak. Jews and so forth

Nick dip is a giant pussy deep down.

Yeah hes become a real cumia lately

all these tough guy conservatives never dare utter the word JEW.

Amy Schmooer is a jew marxist propagandist with deep pockets and connections to high officials. Nick Dipablo is a 2nd- rate bar act with a nice suburban home and a milfy wife - which is cool and all but don't act all tough when you know what the real problem is but too scared or too intertwined in the cabal of show biz to say something.

you are gay and an idiot. Fuck off.

That's ok. I thought about quitting this site anyway.

Zac Amico has shit on her as long as I can remember.

I remember the excuse for why comedians didn't go after Schumer like they did Mencia was that she "respected" comedians more than Mencia did. I forgot who went on this rant (might have been Rogan) but essentially the alleged conciseness amongst comedians is that they all steal and the real crime is treating other like dirt when you get to the top.

Rogan must have been the original unfuckable hate nerd.

God I fucking despise jews

Amy Schumer was playing a charactah like mistah Imus. Excuse you.

She's 1/4th Jewish but fully identifies with and embraces that as her identity. She also married and bred with a visibly, very Jewish man.

Or maybe (((they))) protected her?

Do the math.

Fucking hell these people really are NPC’s

chapo fag

Shut the fuck up, civilian


People including joe Rogan himself defend her. Doesn’t hurt to be related to chuck either. At least we all will be able to see her blow up like only the fattest of mud shark white girls do when they have a baby. She’ll put on a good 80 and plan on losing it with weight watchers for a shitload of cash but She the type of bitch that body just can’t bounce back after shitting out a kid.

You just had to pick Carlos, who might very well be the only faggot more unlikable than Amy Schumer.

Honestly if the identity politics movement was directed more towards white women than men the new left train would start to slide off the tracks so to speak.

I think jews will start to get called out sooner or later. People r starting to wake up, most scum bags who do the west wrong, are jewish

It's all (((them))) - 3% of population, 84% of executive power in Hollywood & Financial sector.

They know how to watch out for their own - unless it gets too far to clean up. Like Harvey WeinsteinerbergerMoneySilverGoldJoooo

They will destroy the whole of the west with their greed and sick Jewish evil

She is a white jewish lady. The most privileged class on earth yet still complains about everything.

I am really starting to despise Those people


Don’t know if this matters, but Joe Rogan doesn’t follow Amy Schumer on any social media. I’ve heard from some amateurs at the store that it’s something comedians just want to ignore because of who Amy is. Dunno if I believe that but would appreciate a little more consistency with Amy, is nobody but Tosh going to call her out? Joe gives her the benefit of the doubt a little bit