Update. Lady di is in a nursing home with wet brain, Christopher Khun is in jail for killing his son and Anthony is in obscurity

1  2018-10-23 by Dennyislife

And we don't know if that guy with pancreatic cancer is alive or dead.


No, no I'm not.

I'd love to see them all locked up together like the characters in Glass.

Like bugs in a mason jar that we could shake and stare at.

I put my money on Kuhn. He is 6'4 late 20's and he killed his son. He has life regret rage.

Philips Mama is in a coffin

I re-listened to the infamous final call with Di and it changed me opinion her mental state at the time.

The narrative is that she was delusional, thinking that she was on a Navy ship and Reagan was president.

But I've come to believe that her only problem was memory impairment. There was no delusion. All the absurd things she said were purposeful lies, not delusions. And why not? She was always like that. Even when she was """"""cogent""""""" she would tell absurd lies, just to get people off her back, and to avoid admitting that she's a piece of shit fuckup.

Example: In her """"prime"""" she would say things like "I was fired for talking on the phone too much" even though it was blazingly obvious to everyone in earshot that she was fired for drunkenness.

How is that really different from saying "Reagan is president and I'm aboard a destroyer." It's likewise blazingly obvious to everyone that that's not true. The only difference is, in the former situation, she said absurd things to protect herself from criticism, and in the latter, she said absurd things to hide the fact that she didn't know where she was and she didn't know who the president was.

When you honestly have no idea who the president is, a sarcastic and hostile person will say something outrageous like "Reagan" because you resent being asked questions you can't answer. When you have a perverse and misplaced sense of pride like Diana always had, the last thing you want to admit is "I have no idea who the president is."

That's just what I picked up from her tone of voice and what we know about her. No delusions, but the same refusal to admit the truth about herself.

Oh shut the fuck up detective, do a little research before making such shitty long posts, her own son said that her brain is turning into soup.