David Cross came to promote his tour, Norton won't shut up about his own comedy process

1  2018-10-23 by CacaDick

He's ALWAYS making everything about him. I wouldn't mind as much if he wasn't such a fucking bore.


Saw z

It must be exhausting to hate listen to every single show and pick over the minutiae and report back on here every day. Take a rest, go outside and live a life.

You really care. I appreciate that, fag.

Right back at ya sweetie.

Dont you ever consider some people can listen to audio while at work or doing something other than sitting in a lawnchair in their basement? I pretty much consume all podcasts/radio while on the clock, while working outside.

You must be amazing.

live a life

People who say something like that should take theirs.

Shut up, stupid.

Got me.

David Cross sucks.

He was better when he was racist.

“What I meant to say was....all faggots are niggers.”

yeah I saw him in 2016 and all he did was whine about trump for an hour

He didn' used too :(


"I start with aids and tranny's, and work back from there" - Jim Norton's comedy process

Patrice nailed it during the roast of his old tape. Norton's act is entirely "Ba ba ba, bu-ba, bah, AIDS!"

I can’t stand to listen to a single second of the two most boring men in radio so thank you OP for reminding me what pieces of useless shit these two are.

I canceled Sirius about 6 months ago and they called me back and gave me a year free so I wouldn't leave because they are desperate little bitches.

"Well, David, the first thing I do is cloister myself away so that I can't view, see, or be influenced by any comedy, movies, pop culture, or politics. Then I stay at home and never drink, go out, go to shows, not even play video games. My diet consists of egg whites and mealworms. Then the jokes just sorta write themselves! "

Not playing video games is not a knock on a fifty year old man

I agree. But the think the comment was meant to say that at least if he played video games that’d be something current and relevant.

You are correct. Also, I threw it in there because if he was at least playing video games, what he does with his spare time would be less of a mystery. Plus, he also played video games a lot as a teenager. Makes me wonder if he thinks he's a video game addict on his 35 year chip.

It’s no mystery he watches porn and masturbates every single night.

Can one view without seeing?

Jim and Sam suck. Ant and Landau often sucks. I listened to Rich and Bonnie's latest podcast and it was horrible with Bonnie explaining her SJW Ideology to a Retarded Jew. Thankfully I can just turn on Porn and Life gets so much Better!

I listen to Stern as background noise until it becomes unbearable then I flip to Jim and Sam and mostly just ignore it, but occasionally I hear something that just fucking can't be ignored. I'm guessing Stern likes having an inferior show as his competition. I miss listening to the old stern show and O&A it was part of work and now it's just these faggots pretending they are as good. It cant last. There's no way.

sirius made talk radio into something nobody cares about.

Honestly, I think Cross is still funny. But the politics with him get to be much. But he has some great stand up, and I loved The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret.

The Bob & David show on NF was great. The interrogation sketch was fucking hilarious and the "I know my rights" YouTube activist sketch was another fucking killer. I wish they'd do more of that show. I hate that political angle standup shit though. It's seriously gay as fuck.

The Worm's comedy process is listening to a Jerky Boys album.

They're clearly equals.

Everyone involved in this story sucks