ANTH! I need 150 bucks right now!

1  2018-10-23 by JoeCumiaIsaRapist


They've got Martin D-28s for &160! What could go wrong!?

Signed by Jimmy Hendricks

"For such a reputable site they have so many typos. LOL, the spelled Hendrix's name wrong like 7 times on the whole site."

After Joe told his cos play friends and Ant sycophants to sell their Facebook stock they lost billions in value. Coincidence? I guess we'll never know.

This is a good one. You call him a gay idiot without being explicit. Btw, his Twitter account is open again.

Joe Cumia is a gay rapist. Not allegedly. This is a explicit fact.

I can't see why you would pick that handle if it wasn't true, nothing to gain from it. So I have no choice but to believe you.

After Joe told his cos play friends and Ant sycophants to sell their Facebook stock they lost billions in value. Coincidence? I guess we'll never know.