The absolute state of r/opieandanthony 2018:

1  2018-10-23 by TangerineReam


This is too meta for me. Please delete it and then leave.

read it and weep, faggot

Brothaman !

Nothing is more hack and indicative of being without original thought than hating Opie at this point.


only faggots say "This".


jims a worm, sams a tendy loving ape, ants a nigger pedophile who needs to be fed. original thought hasnt really been the theme of this sub since the ballwashing started.

The truth however doesn't come with adjectives and isn't prone to change, brotherman.

shut up

There are two people in this world -- Norm and Quinn -- that aren't terrible. Opie is one of the worst of the others.

The reason the Opie hate is ultimately misguided is because Opie has tried to fix his flaws. You cant attack Opie based on past mistakes because is a different person now. Anthony and Jim are the same horrid degenerates they were 10 or 20 years ago.

how is he a different person? he still to this day is pushing the "i got fired cuz howie was fawkin jealous" narrative rather than because he filmed roland. he backstabbed bob and vos. during his pop up shows he was still harassing disabled people. hes fucking garbage. complete dog shit waste of flesh.

dont get me started on the pathological lying either. fucking worthless walking pile of breast meat. "at least hes not a pedophile and he has a kid!". good character defense, might as well throw in that he has a working pancreas.

Sounds like we need to call in the hater fighters.

Opie won.

what did he win


That’s the bit.



fucking hannah gadsby-esque irony, thats what this subs become. #teambrotherman, get it? no, i dont.

Says the guy making r/opieandanthony memes in his free time...

nice reading, stupid. im not tangerineream

Cry harder, Anthony.

The only funny thing about the ironic Opie love is he falls for it and some people get angry about it

I got the bit!

Opie made every second of the the show he participated in awful. If you've forgotten this then listen to any old clip.

In actuality: Opie himself is a boomer NPC. One only has to look at the videos he's tried to get to go viral in the past.

Nothing wrong with loving yourself some Opester while simultaneously wishing your dad was around more brothaman!

move far away from the big apple ranch. that will solve your dad dilemma.

I hate to faaaawkin tear down the fourth wall for you dopes, but that's not how the meme works. The Opie love is mostly to spite Jim, Sam and Nana.

none of them give even an inkling of a shit, and in the process youve turned this place into a haven of unironically ballwashing a genuine garbage human.

The Rocket has come to rid this sub of the riff Raff and install a benevolent dictatorship. The rocket will excise the cancerous members and turn everyone else into a free thinking, free living, Rocketeers! Because that is what this sub was built on. If you aren't on board with that. If you want to insult the good Rocketeers...then I am libel to hit you with the red glare. So, I guess OP, there is only one question, are you ready to take a ride? Houston, you have a problem.

ok faggot, whats next


move far away from the big apple ranch. that will solve your dad dilemma.