
1  2018-10-23 by nomobjustice


I’m slowly beginning to love the Opester. He handled this faggot well.

Simple, straight to the point and brutal.

Yup no more cryptic hidden message shit. Can't misinterpret this


The proper response to any Chip fan.

Unsurprisingly, anyone who is still a fan of Jim or Ant talks like an absolute fucking retard.

I have received thousands of comments from these idiots. They can't put together one coherent sentence.

You're doing God's work tho

Are you the “beigefrequency” from the YouTube over there?


Found a Norton/Anthony fan.

Is it still funny to say TSSS PECKAHSZ?

You don't love all of the "wtf is Opie paying you????" and "your just jealous that Anthony is a millionaire and fucks hot models all day cuck" comments from people who still think its 2008?

Well there's a repercussion of doing incredible work that I hadn't considered... I'd console you with the optimism that at least it could be entertaining but I imagine its so monosyllabic and lacking any wit to the point of just being tedious and incomprehensible.

Or perhaps shallow and pedantic. Mmm indeed shallow and pedantic.

r/opieandanthony is surprising literate, minus the occasional overly emotional drunk

There’s still a few too many “could of” motherfuckers for my tastes.

Supposubly theyve been going to the liberry to correct it.

r/opieandanthony is surprising literate


r/opieandanthony is surprisingly literate,

we're supposed to be the NON-deluded ones...

I find all of this to be a bit shallow and pedantic

Woooh op som have could you so give sah! lol tripple tomahawk sawk fack!

weird anthony never mentioned his skill with a sword on air

Yes he did. They specifically talk about the fact he only has a sword for home protection and go into a little more detail on the show when he got his first gun.

When The Destroyer tells you fuck off, you stay fucked off. Trust me.


fawk off

You wanna go fuckface?

lets fawkin go brother. vic, hold my banana shandy.

Keith hold my egg

but anthony its covered in sue goo

HAHAA holy shit. lick it off keith

Thats gross! Ant is straight.

Straight faggot

How does it feel fucker?

I translated this from retard being part retard myself:

What happens ohhpoppy (Opie) when Sam and Jim leave SiriusXM? You all need to collaborate on a podcast. I miss you all so much. Please be less prideful and make sure Cumia doesn't bring his unique brand of guinea trash along. I watch Chip because I wouldn't recognize a stale joke if it had fungus covering it.

Chip son fans are retarded

So if you people love Opie now (and by the way, this wasn't a was a NOTHING); you're going to have to start making up your mind about certain people in the universe, like Denny and Fez: Two people who HATE Opie.

Jim, Sam, Ant and even Roland are easy to hate because they're hate-able, but Denny and Fez exposed a really shitty, terrible side to Opie. A side that's always been there, and was never checked by anyone on staff because it was almost impossible to do so. Their protest against him garnered your support for them (D&F). But now you whole-hearteningly accept Opie without criticism, and are doing your own revisionist history on why Opie was never the problem in O&A universe.

So whether you like it or not, you're going to have to eventually choose whether to give valid support to Fez and Denny (which would mean acknowledging Opie's innate terribleness), or throwing them both out for Opie for God knows what or why.

I wanted you to know that I didn't read this


Also didn't read this


His sexuality has nothing to do with your inane ramblings. You have the viewpoints of a child so young that they have no factual viewpoints.

Shallow and pedantic.

He would've told you if he read it

I read it. It sucked. I want my money back.

Good choice, believe me.

people can hate each other and not be hate-able brotherman, Denny and Fez are awesome

But a big part of why they're awesome is due to them standing up to Opie. That's why they're inherently loved here.

Thats the only reason you love Denny and Fez? You are selling them short brotherman

Fez also likes gay sex. I don't have to agree with him on whether or not gay sex is better than straight sex to enjoy Fez. Your point again is pointless.

Shallow and pedantic

Fuck you to tell me what I used to like, hang yourself


I’m pro Fez and Denny. So whatever that makes me, so be it. I’ll let that South Floridian Fruit year a hunk outta my ass right now.

That’s the bit, you dope!

Thinking I would read all of that. " Fuck off!"- The Destroyer

I stopped reading after the 1st paragraph, but consider this: brotha men can evolve.

Yeah guys! You can't be fans and like them unless you agree with everything they think and feel durrrrrrr

I kinda like high self esteem Opie

Fucking barf

Ten years ago, there's no way this guy wasn't an "AYY B-B-BOYS'" caller with boring 10 minute stories and a terrible phone connection.

He's way too happy making next to nothing for a podcast that nobody listens to.

Chip Chipperson?

"Be content with what you have; rejoice in the way things are. When you realize there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you.”

This is something jim and nana will never understand.

Idiotic truck drivers.


Stomped on that comment like a day old cake.

I don't know how anyone still find the Chip character funny. Jim de-evolved from spineless worm to prop comic.

Anyone who is a fan of anyone from the original show is a completely beta-minded simpleton. None of them have anything funny left to offer, and they are just sad watered down pathetic versions of their former selves.