Just saw this ad...as if fat bitches haven’t clogged up every other dating site as if they were their arteries, now they need their own? Greedy pigs.

1  2018-10-23 by EnwardShekelman


Say “as if” again.

I’m drunk and invested in the Falcons game, faggot. What’s your excuse for being a faggot and using Jim’s most annoying line, faggot?

I hope that Falcons game pays big dividends for you, faggot.

It should, the Giants’ secondary is just a mess and Manning is too far past his prime. They really need to ax Eli and their defensive coordinator and focus on rebuilding around Odell over the next season or two.

Eli was the best Giant out there tonight, dummy.

That’s not saying a fucking thing.

399 yards, 113.8 passer rating, from Grenoble, France

And a 1-6 record to show for it.

Double gun Super Bowl wins

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I am shocked.

You think they weren't kind?

I’d pound her

She’s still attractive though, just has a big ass. The real problem are the blimps like that Instagram monster somebody posted earlier.

Well, obviously they’re gonna use a girl who is actually curvy and fuckable for the ads. They’re banking on absolute whales looking at her and saying, “she’s just like me!”

I get it. Lol

"a few extra curves"

You're body is shaped like a fucking burn patients, it's not curvy

Lilli Luxe is my wife nigga fuck you. Dont you dare compare her to these other sloppy hoes.

And a 1-6 record to show for it.