Did I dream this up or did Opie at one point say he had a retarded kid?

1  2018-10-23 by Sofachairtvtv

My Google searches of "Opie retarded kid" and "slow Greg Hughes child" haven't yielded any results


Just a question, The Destroyer's progeny probably would have to be retarded just so life would have some challenge to it.

Leave it alone

These Norton sycophants bring children into this. A testament to the worms odious nature.

I have no love for Norton my post history shows that. It was just a question.

Norton and Ant manipulate the haters.

Look at you trying to use big words. You are a regular savant.

no he just has a regular opie kid

the retarded kid isn't biologically his, it's bam's.

The normal one is bams. The defect is his own.


I’ve explained this before. Bam gave Lynsi a retarded butthole shit baby when he came in her ass then some of the lumpy jizz dripped in to the womb hole.

I honestly think I started that rumor. He only ever talked about his son for the longest time and started getting uncomfortable with tard humor. I just put two and two together and claimed his daughter must have a very specific form of retardation, Down syndrome.

Honestly I’m ashamed that I’m drunk off 5 beers when I used to drink 12 and I’m only 28 year old. Honestly