So, I heard your mom didn't just die. She was murdered. Comment?

1  2018-10-23 by JoeCumiaIsaRapist


One of my favorites

After it was a fad here Morton definitely toned down his wild unnatural gesticulating.


Where’d you find the clip of young Tits?


Joe Cumia is a rapist

Card carrying... pedophile... white supremacist

that old chestnut

Not this shit again

Dead mom go

That's Sam popping in for a tendy check once in a while during the "your mom was murdered?/where's my eggs?" interview

I did this 2 months ago and got 6 likes.


I can’t look at this sub in public

We all are basement dwellers.

Attic masterrace

Panera is also a non fixed residence of mine

This and the Kermit one are my favourites

"So your Mom wasss.... salughtered? Robbed of life...? How would you described that?

Missed this bit.

OMG this gif is about 15 years old - I wonder they're up to now...

The guy in red fucks, no doubt about it.