Look at Jimmy's head. Notice how he has extra head where normal people's heads would stop. This is where he stores the cum of other men for when he runs out of his own to drink. I know, Norton STORING cum. SAVING it for later. Well that's what the hump is for, anyway.

1  2018-10-22 by asdfghjklfk


Like a camels hump but mens' fluids?

A “cumel” if you want to get technical

But that’s only if you want to get technical



Where in the FUCK are my mods?

Mods, sticky this post forever please.

Aryan profile.

Jimmy the JizzCamel

tough but fair

Ancient race skull havin nigga

Ancient race skull havin nigga

His mom didn't take prenatal vitamins. That's why he won't visit them on holidays.

This is medically sound.

Nice skull, stupid.

I crack up everytime during that clip whee

Oh no no no no no

He had the brainpan of stage coach tilter

He's a beluga fail

That’s where the comedy gold hides.

What the fuck is wrong with his fucked up crooked face? Jesus christ. He's disgusting looking.

thats actually fake. its just his normal head.

You know, if you cover that extra bump with your finger he actually does start to look more human

That's his Lumpy headed Jim character.

That’s were the yamaka goes.