Louis used to jack off with Sarah Silverman watching. The man can't be stopped

1  2018-10-22 by Ronnybbaby


Whata whore

Reminder: Sarah Silverman lost her virginity to Kevin Brennan. She started cryimg afterwards and he said 'what are you, a virgin?' And she said 'no' as she quietly sobbed and tucked her bleeding cunt flaps into her panties.

Fuck that’s sexy

I like Kevin more because of this story

Reminder: Dooonnnnaaaaate!

'what are you, a virgin?'

how was this guy not successful? he was doing Florentine's bit better 30 years ago. Also this is burying the lead, Silverman lost her virginity in her early 20s, which is like the male equivalent of 40. Also she went to that special ed school, Derryfield School.

You won't eat ass? What are you, five years ooooooooold?

Fat and or extremely shy girls who lose weight/get over their shyness. Then the beast is out of its cage and they fuck like champions. Then eventually they get fat again and old, but until that time they're tops.

Fat and or extremely shy girls who lose weight/get over their shyness. Then the beast is out of its cage and they fuck like champions. Then eventually they get fat again and old, but until that time they're tops.

He could do better

Multiple Migs-CK

She's insufferable

and her sister


Those Robin Williams level hair she has on her arms - ickkkk

Why the fuck don't hairy-armed women EVERY shave it? Do they think that shit is normal or something?

(((they))) are hairy people

But wait, I thought asking women for permission to masturbate in front of them ruined their careers and lives? How is it possible that it didn’t do the same thing to Sarah or any of the other 20 or so successful female comics who haven’t come forward yet?

The PTSD stopped all of them from being funny and trusting all men (whom they perpetually depend on for paid work because they can't go out and create their own comedy clubs and media companies apparently).

At least she admits that the other chicks are full of shit.

It is a very subtle “quit your whining bitch” move to pull. “He asked me to look at his dick and now I’m a millionaire, what’s your excuse?”

never made sense to me, they could have easily parlayed that shit into at least some good stand up gigs. Should have shot for 'opener for life'

only because she's defending someone in her political camp

yep, pretty much. Although he might as well be far-right as far as his current fans are concerned. Plus this is how it starts, you realize how bullshit liberals are about something close to you and soon enough you end up being as racist and sexist as this very sub. mark my words 2024 sarah silverman at the RNC rally

may I suggest you read some Kevin MacDonald?

I read somewhere people are starting to read "Culture of Critique"

People are reading Culture of Critique

I fucking hated her little guest spot on Louie making fun of her old set like she still doesn't do that exact shit.

The way she answered that was actually fairly loyal to Louis, much more so than the Worm has been. Wants to see him on stage, admits she didn't mind it and that he wouldn't persist when she said "no."

She also said something really important that is missing from these contextless accusations of 'misconduct'. She said she's not like every girl, that she's okay with weird shit and what is assault to one person is just stupid/funny shit to another.

We can let the most sensitive people define what's okay for everyone. Context matters.

The only time Louis fucked up is when he didnt ask first (which is not yet clear he never did when in person). Or when he was too stupid to take a laughing non-no as a yes to pull your dick out and jerk off in a way that is totally unattractive to most girls.

We can let the most sensitive people define what's okay for everyone.

you misspelled the most important word in that sentence

Yeah im fucking idiot half the time. I'm pretty good at hiding it usually.

We'll see how she really feels when he SHOWS UP AT HER GYM!

Of course she's loyal, the tribe always Stick together.

Jimmy was always jealous of Louis.

And yet, some media either buried or left out the part where it was consensual on her part.

That turns me on quite a bit.

the worst part of this article is when she says "we're equals"

uhhhhh fuck no jew cunt

Who has the balls to ask to jack off in front of someone? Alpha Louis.

Hope he's got a teeny weenie

CK is a man who doesn’t beat around the bush

She says this happened when they were kids, what is the backstory on this? Did they live in the same city?

Bitch looks like Leonid Brezhnev. Implication being that were she to have lived during prehistoric times, no fur loincloth would be necessary. Just a black sharpie to draw lines and give the illusion of a strap/belt holding her au natural "merkin" if you will in place.

She wanted press because it's either bring up Louie or go back home and let her dog lick her gross stinky unkempt pussy.

Why are jewish women so terrible?

Sarah "I got paid less because I am a woman, oh wait that wasn't what happened, but it could have" Silverman?

Who could have predicted 3 years ago that we would defend Opie, despise Jim, and rally around Sarah Silverman as a voice of reason?

Good for her, I respect her more for that answer.

Hope he's got a teeny weenie