Jim & Sam try to spin their new contract as a sign of how great they're doing. [2:45] WARNING: Grown man in wacky prop costume.

1  2018-10-22 by RapistWithHIV


I don't regret my decision to stop listening to that show.

So they got the money they asked for, they were moved an hour earlier to air even more during drive time and they got Fridays off. Oh and Sirius is going to air the Chip podcast once a week. Keep trying to spin it as a bad thing.

I really hope all of Jim's success (and there is a lot of it) eventually drives you to suicide.

they were moved an hour earlier to air even more during drive time

Jim groaned in the most deflated exacerbated tone when talking about that. That wasn't something he was pushing for, you imbecile.

Reminder: You admire this guy.

I didn't say Jim pushed for it. Sirus did. And it's definitely a sign of how the show is doing. Or do you think Sirius pushed for them to start an hour earlier for more drive time because they didn't like the show?

Reminder: You said they wouldn't be re-signed. What happened?

Hi, Worm.

Why would it? I'd never want to be Jim or envy him in the least bit

I don't want you to kill yourself. You seem OK. Opie's Paypal RapistWithHIV on the other hand should just get it over with.

an extra hour added and norton gets more listeners to the chip podcast without having to give sirius exclusivity..how is that anything but doing great regardless of how you feel about norton? the opie ballwashing has really sent you fucking retards into a delusional frenzy. i hope jim does even better.

teambrotherman, fucking hang yourself. and i dont even like the worm but christ the opie ball gargling has reached levels of awfulness i didnt think was possible on this sub.

go fucking cry brothaman

This guy is perpetually awful

hey its the chief ballwasher. dont you get tired of brothermans piss soaked toes in your mouth while you finger his asshole?

Christ, can you give a warning before being so catastrophically edgy next time!

yea ill give you the heads up next time

His post history shows a severely disturbed individual. His extremely passionate hatred for Opie makes him look like a fucking psycho. I think "Woodaby" is also his alt. They both bitch about Opie posts at the same time every time.

Every time opie is mentioned he flies into a frothing rage. Its creepy. Even if youreally don't like opie, he is so easy to ignore. Maintaining such a seething fury about a guy who has no impact on anything in a normal persons life is absolutely bizarre.

He's genuinely enraged by anything Opie related. Ge has posts where he's fantasizes in great detail about how Opie should die and how gruesome and painful it should be for Opie. He's not well.

Imagine holding on to such a burning hatred of a guy whose worst crime was not being that funny on a long dead radio show. Its not normal.

Post about Jim and Sam some more. Your post history is embarrassing.

Just to let you know, i dont care about you enough to trudge through your post history, but you care about me enough to look through mine. You are a sad little goblin.

imagine being delusional enough to think opies only crime is not being funny. truly sad, thats why i post these things. to snap people out of the trance of the bit.

im telling you pal, i couldnt be more serene. i just feel like i need to inform those who are easily misled that opie is indeed a garbage human, just spreading truth out there.

I hate Opie way more than Ichise-san. Fuck you.

calm isnt even the right word, im serene. couldnt be calmer, im simply a man of justice. when i see a garbage human being ballwashed, my instinct is to point out that the individual is indeed a garbage human.

and no, i dont have any alts. its not just me that thinks opies awful, go look at the most recent opie ballwashing posts. at least like half the comments are shitting on him.

You need a padded room and a straight jacket.

you need to put an egg in your shoe and beat it

Tssssss.... wait... DAT ain't how you cook an egg white anuthin!

tits is talking into a can with a sausage salesman and making no money, and nortons doing radio and signing better deals. lynsi also took the kids and split. no crying brothaman, just laughter. l u l

Don't give this spamming faggot u/isobigd channel any clicks. At least change the link to the Riotcast channel Chip episode.

What the fuck are they laughing about?

This guy is perpetually awful

tits is talking into a can with a sausage salesman and making no money, and nortons doing radio and signing better deals. lynsi also took the kids and split. no crying brothaman, just laughter. l u l

Christ, can you give a warning before being so catastrophically edgy next time!

Every time opie is mentioned he flies into a frothing rage. Its creepy. Even if youreally don't like opie, he is so easy to ignore. Maintaining such a seething fury about a guy who has no impact on anything in a normal persons life is absolutely bizarre.

I hate Opie way more than Ichise-san. Fuck you.

calm isnt even the right word, im serene. couldnt be calmer, im simply a man of justice. when i see a garbage human being ballwashed, my instinct is to point out that the individual is indeed a garbage human.

and no, i dont have any alts. its not just me that thinks opies awful, go look at the most recent opie ballwashing posts. at least like half the comments are shitting on him.