It only takes one worm to motherfuck a legend...

1  2018-10-22 by ProfessorChipperson


Nice black hand in the holster.

you sure that isn't a gun?

Thought it was ant grabbing for Lou's cock

I kind of want to see this very short documentary.

I think you could potentially drag it out.

First bit pull clips from earlier episodes about Louis helping Jim out with Lucky Louis. Other clips spliced in showing they laughing it up as good buddies.

Second act would be about Jim talking about his loyalty. Then showing how he has previously lied about this with other people on the show.

Third act would be the news about Louis coming out. Compare Jim’s reaction with that of other comedians and compare it against his own statements of loyalty.

30 minutes could do it or 45 minutes with some obscenely long intro by /u/beigefrequency

Nice cross draw, stupid.

In breaking news, Louis CK did another set in a different club and it was again very well received. I'm sure someone has a story about how one humorless fuck was upset on their instagram account though.

Mike Clarke said no customers heckled Louis C.K., and no one walked out during his act.

Christine Hurley, who took the stage after Louis C.K. Saturday night, said she supported his victims, but wasn’t necessarily opposed to performing after him: “I mean, that’s my job,” she said in a phone interview Sunday evening.

“I don’t agree with what he did, but I am not a political person,” she said.

Hurley said she has performed with the comedian in the past and that he has always been respectful to her.

“Maybe he should take some more time, but I am not the judge of that. All I know is how he is to me,” she said. “I know he feels terrible.”

Louis C.K., who had a notebook when he performed, was gracious and humble, and his jokes were “very well written,” Hurley said.

“It was regular Louis . . . definitely didn’t play it safe,” she said. “Some [jokes] missed.” When that happened, he would acknowledge it by saying, “Well, that wasn’t very good,” before moving on, she said.

“Some bits were funny,” she said, but he also “struggled with a few.”

Hurley did not elaborate on the topics Louis C.K. discussed.

She also described the crowd as “very polite” toward him, and noted that “he didn’t get a standing ovation.”

“I think he deserves some redemption, but he has to work for it, and he has been,” she said


This creep is biding his time so he can get back to what he loves:

Whining about men/white privilege. Getting an opportunity to commit a sex crime again.

Shut the fuck up.

pretty sure he is baiting us alpha white males into responding to his obvious cuckbait commentary.

He seems like a genuine faggot.

Norton can't even make his morning radio show decently entertaining.
Louie has built an empire in show business.

Not hard to do when you're a degenerate jew with zero morals.

Not hard to do when you're a degenerate jew with zero morals.

Ahh, someone is bitter about their failed attempt at a show business career...

You definitely weren't going to make it as a writer.

I mean it's literally not hard to do if you're like him. If you're willing to do some dark, dirty degrading shit and have the talent to go along with it, you can easily make it in show business.

I bet he's sucked a lot of cocks.

Be quiet, stupid.

Oh I'm sorry have you ever been involved in the entertainment industry? No? Oh okay then. See ya, expert.

What are you the Colin Flaherty for Jews?


Yeah you hate them, we get it.

Are you deleting this post once it gets under 5 downvotes?

I wish both of them would go away. Norton is a COLOSSAL FAGGOT, but Louis is the cuck of all cuck comedians.

“He also had a condition that was referred to as "granulated eyelids" and it caused him to blink more than usual as if he found creation slightly more than he could accept.”

Does it feature Louis debut jerk off scene?

No, but it features some full frontal from Princess Alena.

Very nice.

He was ashamed of his persiflage, his boasting, his pretensions of courage and ruthlessness; he was sorry about his cold-bloodedness, his dispassion, his inability to express what he now believed was the case- that he truly regretted killing Louis, that he missed the man as much as anybody and wished his murder hadn't been necessary. Even as he circulated The Cellar he knew that the smiles disappeared when he passed by. He received so many menacing letters that he could read them without any reaction except curiosity. He kept to his apartment all day, flipping over playing cards, looking at his destiny in every King and Jack. Scorch came up from Manchvegas at one P.M. on the 8th. He had no grand scheme. No strategy. No agreement with higher authorities. Nothing but a vague longing for glory, and a generalized wish for revenge against Jim Norton. Scorch would be ordered to serve a life sentence in the Colorado Penitentiary for second degree murder. Over seven thousand signatures would eventually be gathered in a petition asking for Scorch's release, and in 2022, Governor James B. Ullman would pardon the man. There would be no eulogies for Jim, no photographs of his body would be sold in sundries stores, no people would crowd the streets in the rain to see his funeral cortege, no biographies would be written about him, no children named after him, no one would ever pay twenty-five dollars to stand in the rooms he grew up in. The shotgun would ignite, and Ella Mae would scream, but Jim Norton would only lay on the floor and look at the ceiling, the light going out of his eyes before he could find the right words.

Nice journalism, stupid

copy paste from imdb and change the names. yeah, that's real hard. it's from the movie you shithead

Well you sure told me but I don't think that kind of harsh language is necessary.


Genuinely never heard that word. I have a pretty good vocabulary too. Nice.

Fuck Louis CuckKing. He's a slimy kike who did almost the exact thing as his fellow tribesman Amy schumer. Make hilarious jokes then do a 180 and blame whites for being evil, ignore his past. He's a faggot piece of shit

As far as I'm concerned, Jim motherfucking Louie is the only decent thing he's done in the last few years.

Amy made hilarious jokes?

Nice "their hands look like guns" reference

Way to betray your friend, faggot.

I could just see the Worm taking his betrayal to the stage like Robert Ford and complaining about the various theatre proprietors and innkeepers in the towns he performs in. "I asked for a diet sarsaparilla the sssscuumbags."

Mexican Jew :\

The vast majority of people seem to be on Louis's side about this. Even on the straight subreddits they all seem to think he didn't really do anything wrong. The only exceptions are that fat sack of shit, Hannah Gadsby, and Louis's former best friend Jim "Bob Ford" Norton.

Assasination of Jesse James might be my alltime favorite movie, Casey Affleck is fucking incredible in it and in almost every movie he's made. People say it was too long and not enough action but I fucking love it.

As far as I'm concerned, Jim motherfucking Louie is the only decent thing he's done in the last few years.

Amy made hilarious jokes?