We said we’d be together for the rest of our lives...

1  2018-10-22 by SpudsCuckley


this tends to happen to people that unfriend Opie. They implode.

That's what happens when you don't have someone in your life to steer the ship.

Gotta have a muthahucka to keep you in line sometimes.

Oh no this scenario never crossed my mind. That'd be the biggest shit since juice stabbed his wife and a jew. It's about time we had another one of these.

Reminder that OJ Simpson was innocent and set up by the C_A. Davidson on the other hand is a cabal-controlled MKULTRA asset and confirmed Manchurian candidate (source: this sub)

Thought it was some little Korean boy named Charlie?

It was Glen Rogers

That’s one way he can top her ex’s suicide

A weird looking gun for a weird looking dude.

This scenario is way to butch for him.More than likely he will be butt fucked to death in some random Brooklyn shoot house.

How was Petey Boy on SNL this past weekend? Kilking it as usual?

not sure, only Leftist Faggots watch that show now.

Remember when Norm made fun of the Republicans, AND the Democrats, on there? And had teeth when he went after both of them? And was funny as fuck? I miss that.

I heard he will be on Opie's podcast soon. True story.

“If we break up but we won’t ...but if we do in like ten years”

Can’t wait for the suicide this holiday season!

Thought it was some little Korean boy named Charlie?

It was Glen Rogers