How about you write a song.

1  2018-10-22 by RBuddCumia


That would require a scintilla of creative ability.

Child spit did to Joe what LSD did to Syd Barret.

Wish you were queer.

How I wish,

How I wish you were queer,

I'm a fat negro,

Living off of my bro,

Year after year

We're just two lost moors sipping on a spit bowl

Queer after queer

Running out of the big apple ranch,

I haven't samcro pants

Are you “making” music if you are just playing music that someone else made?

Get there early for the "expensive seats" up front! (free admission 😎)


All of those artists would be appalled to know that a piece of shit like Joe is charging people to listen to him butcher their music.

"TONS of TUNES" is code for TOTS this is a child fucking ring. Call the authorities.