I want to know more about Sam's parents

1  2018-10-22 by OminousDestruction

His mom is an obvious psychopath/possible schizophrenic. She kept his hair in a container for years, gave him possibly unnecessary hormones when he was still in puberty and coddled him unendlessly. What other horrors has she committed? What do we know about his dad? Sam would've been a primate regardless but there's no doubt they contributed to who he is as an "adult".


packed him his peanut butter sandwiches and oreos until he was about 30 for lunch.

So Jim and Sam actually do have something in common

Sam should have been a miscarriage based on all his physical attributes.

His physical attributes aren't even the worst part about him

His dad told him to call 911 for a flat tire. Hes a faggot too. Hes to blame for some of this for sure.

Maybe his dad was just being a smartass because he doesn't want to care for his adult child? Or was that legitimate? The world may never know...

Ooo good point. Either hes a bigger bitch than Sam OR...hes actually a decent guy who is so fed up and disgusted by his sissy son that he was saying “i dont give a fuck, call 911 for all i care.” If hes anything close to a real man, he’d wish his son was dead for sure.

Didn’t Sam say that he showed up, lifted the passenger seat and said ‘for the record, there’s your jack and tyre iron’?

Seems like appropriate disdain to me

Didn't his dad call him Princess or some shit for having his nails painted?

Sams dad had a handle bar mustache and loved buttermilk

Ugh. I bet his mustache smells.

And don’t forget the saltines that goes into the buttermilk. Or his other treat of a raw potato.

I thought the thing about sam's mom saving his hair clippings was a joke. Holy shit the cooky cunt actually did it

REMINDER: Sam Robert's brother is cock slurping faggot. I'm sure they never had incestial faggot tastings together when they were young.

Seriously? 2 sissy sons!?!