Sam the beard doesn't hide the forehead

1  2018-10-21 by Dennyislife


”If I tilt my head back they won’t notice my awful hairline!”

never noticed the weird nostrils

he has no good angles

Horizontal in a casket seems like a good angle for him

I don't think he realizes the mustache and beard bring more attention to his odd features, that upper lip is a unit.

Lotta space between his lip and nose. I really hope he feels bad about himself when he looks in the mirror. He should.

His parents really fucked him over with human growth hormone.

And that's the most broad mustache I've ever seen. Not big, i don't want the mutant thinking he looks like Sam Elliott or some shit. Just broad in the sense that it looks like graph paper has been laid over his freakishly large philtrum

nice uneven nostrils. not one redeeming factor on this ape boy

Why is he dressing like Mick Foley now.

Mid no-life crisis

He looks like a family member of the Texas chainsaw massacre family.

When people say balding people are ugly its not because their the total amount of hair on their entire head is lacking.

Fuck that mars rover alienesque forehead...that beard won't hide the least professional broadcaster documentary.

He is just as ugly with a beard. There is nothing he can do to change it.

He's wearing make up, isn't he?

I'm pretty sure next step is him shaving his head. He'll keep the beard mustache look with a shaved head, he'll look like a retarded Bill Burr.

Why doesn't he just get rid of that ridiculous Sideshow Bob hair?