Stupid Jim thought that it was funny and understandable that Louis ck would deny pictures with fans. He also would rant and cry like a diva bitch if a celebrity denied him a picture.

1  2018-10-21 by Jim-sucks-shit

Jim is a hypocrite and he stinks.


This is a guy who was trying to find different "interesting" conversation starters, because he was just much of a pussy to just strike up a conversation with Nicolas Cage, when they were sat next to each other on a plane.

Why say "Hello, my name is Jim Norton, I am a comedian, pleased to meet you, big fan of your work", he got his lap top out, showing a picture of him with Muhammad Ali, so that Nicolas Cage would ask him how he met him.

And the less said about the Derek Jeter Incident, the better.

Derek Jeter Incident?

I'm just giving the cliffs for it, it's embarrassing:

  • XM paid $25,000 for a table at Derek Jeter's charity fundraiser
  • They were given a booklet beforehand, basically telling attendees "Please don't pester the celebrities for pictures/autographs"
  • Jim ignored that, went there fully intending to pester the celebrities for pictures/autographs, because "that's how he has a good time"
  • Jim brought a picture with him, it was of him and Jeter, he wanted Jeter to sign it.
  • The celebrities he pestered for pictures weren't happy about being pestered for pictures, considering the attendees were told "don't pester the celebrities"
  • Derek Jeter refused to sign Jim's picture, but took pictures with attractive women. It did not occur to Jim that because he was at a charity event, he could have offered to pay something.
  • Because Jim was upset, he decided to fuck with the auction they were holding, by making fake bids
  • Jim went on the radio, and threw the tantrum of all tantrums, renounced his support of the Yankees, and broke everything that was in the giftbag that attendees were given.

Some good ass cliff notes.

Thank you.

Did you know that racists can enter contracts?

Careful, Troy Quan might throw you off these notes

eeeeeeeeeeewwwwwww what a ssssscumbaaaaag

Do you have a link to this? Sounds pretty hilarious.

It's on Youtube, under "Jim's Infamous Jeter Rant" or something like that, it's about 90 minutes long, it has the preamble, where they're all talking about how they're looking forward to the event too.

For some reason I'm rewarding a man who's too lazy to put "Jim Norton Derek Jeter" into YouTube, but here you go.

I was at work and didn't want some wormy voice coming out of my speaker more than necessary to try and find the right clip, so thank you.

Look at fag boy going to work and shit

He is a child and a mollusk.

hahaha omg that's embarrassing to read, I can't imagine listening to it. he really is an autistic manbaby with his stupid celebrity pictures. every signature or photo I've had with a celebrity ends up getting lost anyway.

I saw Doug Stanhope a couple years ago and he threw out a bunch of disposable cameras into the crowd and after the show he was talking to the audience and we ended up getting a picture together with the disposable camera. never got it processed even though that's actually got an organic story attached to it, because who the fuck ever sits and looks at photo albums and tells stories anyway.

I couldn't imagine being a minor "celebrity" yourself and still feeling the need to creep on people to get their handwriting on a picture of themselves. Jim should die.

I used to love getting pics with bands and putting them on myspace when I was like 15 and 16 but by 17 I realized nobody even gave a shit. Just meeting them was cool enough. But even teenage me would never harass a celebrity just trying to get through the airport or something like this wormy cunt does.

It's one of the most hateable things Nordun has ever done.

Why are you people even here if you've never even heard of it?

Because the sub is called Opie and Anthony, not dumb shit Norton has done.

But how did you ever become aware of OnA without knowing about that?

I'm new to it and just listen to the archives on YouTube, mainly anything VS, with Patrice, Burr, or Jim Jeffries.

What turned you on to it this many years later? I’m genuinely curious

It started when I was drinking needlessly while bored at home, I think I was just trying to find any more content of Bill Burr where he's interacting with other funny people (unlike the MMPC). I used to avoid most O and A clips because I didn't get the show dynamic or know who anyone is. And I mean, once you get introduced to Patrice, you have to go listen to all his clips. And so forth. Are there any monumental O and A compilations or moments I really have to check out?

Wow, I never imagined young blood would continue to be drawn to this hodgepodge group of psychopaths.

Oh my god, I have feeling this sub will continue to grow long after all the OG fatsos have stroked out.

Don't forget how bad he talked about Nicolas Cage before they met: (admittedly very funny).

But once they met all the sudden Jimmy wants to be friends. What fucking worm.

Jim isn't a hypocrite. Fans are Civilians; Jim is a Media Darling, Star of Stage and Screen, and... wait a minute you meant "Jim Norton"! That goof is a delusional Faggot, a hypocrite and he smells like Piss, Shit, Eggs and Crisco.

He stinks and I don't like him.

All that needs to be said is "Derek Jeter."

A particularly whiny version of Jim "all sports guys are fucking assholes" Wormton.

"Not the UFC guys, man. They're fuckin' ALPHAS and they still take care of their fans.."

Fuck off Jim. I don't care if a sports dude doesn't like me, as long as he hits the ball and doesn't allow hundreds of children to be raped.

That's because UFC guys are beaten to the point of brain damage. Baseballers can recognize that the wormy blob in front of them is the exception and not the norm.

It's a tough one, man.


Remember when Norton approached a teenage boy with his dad because someone told Jim it was one of the Jonas brothers? What would you even do with a picture of yourself with one of them anyway? Fucking weird.

Who would want a picture with someone when they don’t even know what they look like.

A boneless creep obsessed with fame.

Concise, accurate, devastating

I wish that kids father had beaten him to death for being such a creep.

Or approaching a guy in a cowboy hat thinking it was Charlie Daniels.

Jim was able to get a photo with his hero Tony Romo so sometimes the pestering pays off

What would Jim do with a picture of a Jonas brother? Do you really need to ask?

Jerk off to it?Asking for a friend.

It was at an airport food-court.

I like that he rationalizes bothering famous people by saying the pictures and autographs are personalized so he can’t resell them.

One of those videos from his shitty cookout where he bought camping chairs? All his framed photos were on the floor because Baby Noises can’t figure out how to hang a picture.

He’d edge to it

My guess is that Jim's obsession with these pictures is because he prominently displays these photos around his apartment, so the prostitutes who come over are genuinely impressed.

He's 50 years old, and he wants 25 year olds to find him attractive. He's trying to impress people who would otherwise find him gross.

That was Dice on that one, I believe.

Sucks dick,gets fucked in the ass but says " im not gay,i wish I was"

Jim is a fairy.
Also wanted to mention Bert Kreischer is a talentless boozebag who wears a fag hat.

Thank you for your time.

Jim:” oh you don’t take pictures with FANS”

Jim doesn’t consider himself a “fan” when he asks for a celebrity photo.


Didn't he say not that long ago that Dice tricked him into thinking Ann Margret was walking through whatever airport they were in? It'd be so fun travelling with Jim, just pointing at black dudes like "look there's Samuel L Jackson". or taking him to Sea World and telling him "see there's Amy Schumer".

What a cizzunt.

In my whole life (I’ve lived in NY for almost all of it), I only once asked to take a pic with a celebrity and it was Drea De Matteo back in the era of Season 2 or 3 of the Sopranos. I look stoned in the pic because this was the era before cellphone pics and digital cameras and there was no do over with the instamatic disposable.

Did you know that racists can enter contracts?

I used to love getting pics with bands and putting them on myspace when I was like 15 and 16 but by 17 I realized nobody even gave a shit. Just meeting them was cool enough. But even teenage me would never harass a celebrity just trying to get through the airport or something like this wormy cunt does.

That's because UFC guys are beaten to the point of brain damage. Baseballers can recognize that the wormy blob in front of them is the exception and not the norm.

Jerk off to it?Asking for a friend.