Ban-evading Space Fag tells followers to report 'harassment' he never experienced in the first place

1  2018-10-21 by SuperToes845


My title is fucked up, I know. Basically, Space Fag was blocked by an O&A guy which meant Space Fag could not see O&A guy's tweets. O&A guy proceeds to tweet naughty images to Space Fag (which Space Fag can't see).

So, Space Fag never suffered the harassment he wants his followers to report.

Do we have official confirmation that this is him? Before we engage I want to make sure we're not taking out some civilian.

Space Fag was blocked by an O&A guy which meant Space Fag could not see O&A guy's tweets. O&A guy proceeds to tweet naughty images to Space Fag (which Space Fag can't see).

lol that's funny

I think everyone with a twitter account should report him for harassment and ban evasion.

And touching children but I wouldn't know anything about that.

Isn't it interesting how similar Fatrick is to Anthony. They're both vain, egomaniacal, blowhards who are helplessly addicted to Twitter. Who wage war against anonymous enemies and cry like little bitches when they're brought to justice. They're so similar yet they couldn't be further apart politically. It's like something from a terrible Sci-fi book.

What real man ever needs to use the phrase ‘twitter safety’. What a Fucking cuck.