Where the fuck is my GUN?

1  2018-10-21 by djexpat



Where the fuck is my ass-egg!?!??

You didn’t properly add in his lisp/gay voice he has when drunk

*It opens up and you fuck it. *

I love that Dani finding and subsequently questioning him about it caused him to meltdown to the point that he beat her, bit her, and then lost his guns.

Where the Fuck is my relevance???

In another continent, in another decade, another high strung benzo-addict is searching under a couch cushion inside his “compound” and screaming:

Wo ist meine Pistole? Scheiße!

Hopefully it ends the same way for Anthony.

Your name is the best thing this sub has ever produced.

I keep my gun in the corner. Never gets lost. It's a 12 gauge though, not easy to lose that big ol fucker.

This guy fucks.