This bothersome idiot was seriously trying to convince Patrice that Brock was looking at the camera

1  2018-10-20 by albanianandrea


As an adult, (nearly half the age of Jim) I cant imagine caring that much about getting a picture with a famous person..

I have seen marginal celebrities irl and just thought “oh, yeahh” and moved on.

I could almost excuse it if was a celebrity he truly admired for years but he could not know who they are but still beg for photos once he realizes they’re important.

He's such a pathetic little starfucker. He has no interests but wants pics with celebrities simply because he is told they are better than him. He really is a perfect brainwashed consumer dupe.

I lived in the same apartment building as Parker Posey, regularly talked with her in the elevator and never once bothered her about her work. And never dreamed of taking a photo, what would be the point?

Dude, I would have played it chill, and then one Dayan the elevator just screamed GET THE BUSY BEE!

Totally worth the price of moving.

She's going to #metoo you

Did you ever try and fuck her?

Nah, she was really nice and friendly but I assumed that's just something you do when you're famous and people are always bugging you for attention. I just treated her like any other normal person who was friendly and talkative in our building.


I know you are, but what am I? 🤠


She's a cutie though.


Is Lesnar even aware Jim is there?

That has to be a really bad day in your life to get punched by that dude.

Would you say he's a problem?

I mean wrestlers are very retarded so he may think he's looking at the camera. He's probably looking at jim's stupid hand not realizing that the moron has a faggy selfie stick. Jim stinks.

When did Jim try that? Don’t remember

Thanks bud😊

Jim is seriously the most hatable fuck alive.

He has his arm around Brock like a fat guy taking a pic with a girl who friend zoned him

Brock Lesnar should be tied to a plow furrowing fields for wealthy landowners.

Ok I don't know what kind of creature is this, but those are not human eyes.

Who puts their arm around Brock Lesnar?? What a fag.
