Sam Roberts is disgustingly ugly and puts his legs close together like a dickless bitch

1  2018-10-20 by CacaDick


that's Mary's good angle.

She get that blue waffle pussy

He has the skull of a newborn retard.

The perfect hairline kills the illusion. Fix that hairline into the pincer maneuver that it is.

Did he steal both of ants shirts?

What terrible fashion sense. Don’t wear short sleeve button-ups like that with paper thin wrists and forearms, you idiot

He looks like one of those sewer mutants from futurama

". . . goodbye horses . . . i'm cryin' over you . . . "

"...hello horses...i'm becoming one of you...."

Pretty sure this isn’t photoshopped and is actually legit

It’s not funny when you have to photoshop the pictures. If you think he’s ugly, let the picture speak for itself, stupid.

behave yourself, the shops are the best part

It’s not funny when

Enjoy that chicken tendy platter, wimp.

Don’t feel bad that I told you that you weren’t funny. Take this opportunity to try and be funny next time, stupid.

Are you saying that when life gives you lemons you should make lemonade?

Still thirsty for Daddy's attention... Good girl.

Blow your brains out, fatty.

There she is...
Keep dancing for your bid cock dadd, bitch girl.

I wonder what you’re like in real life.

Ask the back of your dad's throat, sissy.

He’s dead. So joke’s on you, smart guy.

He’s dead. So joke’s on you, smart guy. Also, gay?

That's your best effort?

You’ve been putting effort into this? To be honest, I’m not really invested in this exchange and feel like putting any real effort into it is just sad. Kind of just wanted to see how long this would go on.

I agree with that for the most part, if you have to photoshop them to make fun of their looks they can’t be that bad, but sams hideousness is undeniable, the photoshops are just mad magazine sequels charicatures to make it funnier

I guess I can understand that.

I can't believe this isn't photoshopped.

Eraserhead character lookin' ass motherfucker.

i thought the gays wore their wedding bands on the right hand.

Sam Robeluga

The explantion for this is that Sam is a eunuch

You had to download gay pornography. Who's the faggot now?

You are.

You gave it a shot, queer.

She get that blue waffle pussy

You’ve been putting effort into this? To be honest, I’m not really invested in this exchange and feel like putting any real effort into it is just sad. Kind of just wanted to see how long this would go on.