If I win the 1.6 billion I'm buying the houses next to the compound and the compound east and moving needy blacks and Syrian refugees in. Whenever they move I'm going to repeat the process indefinitely.

1  2018-10-20 by JoeCumiaIsaRapist

Now that would be a good use of the jackpot.


He didn't move when Cuomo banned assault rifles. The fact is Nana cant afford another house like that. He'd have to stay there and be even more miserable.

He would end up negative in the hole probably half a mil or more of he tried to sell and move

But I thought remortgaging your house is a move of people who are financially secure?

I bet he took a reverse mortgage to keep compound media afloat

He constantly bitches about taxes and big government, then chooses to move to the most taxed county in the nation, next to a freeway.

I knew he was gay, I just didn't know he was a gay masochist.

Hey he did it for business reasons. How else are you going to attract big city guests like Colin Flaherty. and also how else is he going to find a high profile cohost if he's not in the Big Apple? You can find big city talent like Dave what's his name in a small town

Who the fuck is Dave?


yea because despite his complaining, he wouldn't want to live in a 'less prestigious' location like jersey or connecticut

The asshole could sell off his house and buy a nice chunk of land out in west Texas, but he knows that his neighbors would just confirm that he really is a pissy-eyed faggot.

assault rifles

You fagit

I apologize.

With that amout of money you could waste $1 billion to do the most hideous things and still have enough to money to evade the law and live like a king in a sancutary country.

I would definitely build a mosque next to Joe's house.

You can’t build next to townhouse...

Haha is it really an overpriced apartment he "owns"

You don’t have to, just make the house a mosque

You misspelled “apartment”

But after, how will you evict the refugees?


Dont worry about that. Create a non-profit and funnel your money back. You can afford a few accountants and lawyers to work it out.

Ship them back to Africa

I'm going to start a line of pet stores called Shit Ass Pet Fuckers

Damn I forgot about that bit. Classic.

While that would be hilarious, you’d kinda be doing him a favor by driving down the property values, making him able to afford to live there longer after CP Media tanks instead of him being forced to live amongst his own kind in public housing, which would be even funnier.

I pledge to do the same if I win. Who else will join us in this noble quest?

I'm full Office Space if I win. I'm going to sit around and do nothing for the rest of my life.

Oh i already do that

You play Xbox sporadically.

I suuuuure do i sure do Malcom

Yeah, I don't message you. I'm normally loaded if I'm on Xbox.

You would hate it. You'd be writing manifestos about the coons taking too long to buy their groceries.

I pledge the same with my 5 tickets!

That would be fantastic. Buy the refugees a big sound system and lots of Indian CDs too.

And destroy every toilet in a 5mi radius.

Unnecessary, they won't use them anyway

so no one hit it yet?

I did :)



You bring Syrian refugees they probobly have more education than the whole cumia family combined, the wife beating levels probobly stay the same but atleast it won't end up on tmz

Why would you want to do that to those poor people?


Let's hope they move to Israel.

Please install surveillance and offer free next door housing to a Mister Susan Lightning.

I'd buy reddit just to shut it down.

Headmaster Summers died because Marvel thought they could make the shit-ass Inhumans a thing. The Inhumans will never be a thing.

Let's just say that there's a whole bunch of powerful punctuation in that neighborhood that would never allow that.

How creative and humanitarian! Creating your own segregated ghettos!

Ant would feel right at home, living next door to impoverished immigrants.

If I win, I'm going to pay Bald Opie $1M to fuck Dawn Cumia


what the fuck is the compound east

Child spit HQ


Nice try, but his house already halved in value by virtue of Anthony Cumia moving into it. Do your worst.

Great plan until next July 4th when all the Syrians move out because they can’t listen to another mediocre cover of “You May Be Right”.

Have a bigger pool, bigger dinosaur, and Syrian karaoke blasting all night.

Will ya?

Why don't you go buy us an ipad or something

So you're going to surround Anthony with his people.

Really funny. Clever and original.

Almost sounds too sjw for me

Anthony will just build a wall!

I gotta say, this is a fantastic idea

That would be very (((nice))) of you!

I would buy the place next door, knock it down and construct a libtard compound in its place. 100% green, lots of solar panels, built entirely from recycled tires, "sustainable plant life" instead of a lawn, rainbow flags and people of all races, backgrounds and faiths coming and going constantly in an agreeable amenable manner. Two hybrids with "Bernie 2020" bumper stickers and a Smart Car in the driveway, tasteful floral arrangements everywhere and, best of all, I'd rent it exclusively to gay interracial male couples and/or militant lesbians only. And I'd pay them to be overtly friendly to Ant and his goons to a point where they'd drive him insane.

just buy the compound

Remember, it has a generator. WOW.

I like how your mind works. Best idea I’ve ever heard as far as when people dream about winning the lottery.

That's a productive use of money.


Dont worry about that. Create a non-profit and funnel your money back. You can afford a few accountants and lawyers to work it out.

Ship them back to Africa

Yeah, I don't message you. I'm normally loaded if I'm on Xbox.