Horrors of The Compound

1  2018-10-20 by JustPooch


Can somebody from CM buy Big A some shampoo? What a greasy fucker he is. HAHAHA!! Holeee shit!!! We're all jealous of this, Anthony.

What’s the point. It’s not like he’s going to start getting laid if he suddenly develops non disgusting hair.

Big A gets laid all the time.

None of it willingly, but that's what Jones Beach State Park is for.

It makes me sick. Dude, you're already a fucking disgusting monster. Feel free to never go out in public. Otherwise, can you at least do something about the one aspect of your appearance you can easily fix?

The big A thing since day 1 has been awful and unfunny.

He smelled through the radio.

Thinking Big A and Twitchels were funny was the Opster's greatest sin. They would come in and do an hour long bit while OnA had patrice, louis, or burr in studio

Yeah but they had speech impediments though

I've been listening to old R&F shows from 2008 lately. It's great. This week I decided to listen to an O&A show from the same day to see if that held up as well. Almost immediately they brought in Big A to read the news. I can't believe that shit. I feel like it's about 50/50 whether they'll do it if you pick a show from that era. How many hours dedicated to this bit where a guy with a stutter tries to read? Don't know how anyone listened to this garbage on a daily basis.

They had to come up with like 700 hours of radio each year. A well produced podcast is always better.

you are gay and an idiot. Fuck off.

That's ok. I thought about quitting this site anyway.

Big A was gold on Ron & Fez

amazing what you can do on radio when you're not rehashing corny old Stern shockjock bullshit

Because Ron and Fez made it funny rather than handing him a dictionary and saying "GO".

When they did Bobo and Big A doing the news, and someone wrote "stabbed himself with a steroid needle" it was one of the hardest I ever laughed at something on the show. (About a baseball player taking steroids) Also Big A might have ushered the birth of "Trinidad Jimmy," the story about the time Big A was almost married to some Jamaican mail order bride, which was fucking hilarious. Give the monster a break.

St-st-Stamp It!

Ant somehow nearly as ugly as Big A dear lord. To think that fucking ghoul lusts after children makes my skin crawl.

Without some sort of horrific birth defect or severe injury I don’t believe it’s possible to be uglier than Big A.

At least Sam has that going for him.

He said without some sort of horrific birth defect.

Sam's only birth defect was being short. His ugliness and personality were defects caused by his parents overdosing him with HGH, tendies, and unwarranted confidence.

Oh yeah, Sams penis and cranium were just pristine when he was born...

I think the head is a result of the HGH but you're right, I forgot about his awful phimosis cock.

Ahh, yea that could be true about his head. I think he was as Jim's Hero says he was "Born that way".

Since Sam's birth hit moms canal is now rectangular of a passage, like an Iron mine.

Big A, with great effort, can lose weight, practice better hygiene, groom himself, and dress better.

Sam cannot do anything.

I'd eat his ass.


Jay's ex is looking better.

Is that Jay Mohr or Matt Iseman?

Neither. It's Jay Cox.

It's actually Meredith's dad.

She single?

Burn victim Jay Mohr

is big A is he jewish or italian

Andrew Gold. Jew.

Italians don't come out that ugly, only the heinous jew. Even when wops are fat they have nicer skin and keep themselves waaaay better than Gholish-A. Look at all the fat balding guineas in sopranos, Bobby Bacala and Vito are still 1000 times more presentable Than fucking BIg A.

1 word..........Dentist.

Color coordinated shirt and teeth.

Ant: "leave one for me".

Ghoulies of the compound

He's like a clean shaven Ron Jeremy.

Except Big A hasn't seen his own dick in 10 years.

Big A should have been the victim of a partial birth abortion, no reason to have something like that just walking around.

I think they tried it but instead he chewed on the hanger.

He went the other way and digested his 3 twins in the womb.

If he wasnt a shitty person id feel somewhat bad for him.

Ant keeps folks like Big A and Bobo - and what the hell Brother Joe too - around him so he can feel vastly superior to something...

Also because they're hangers-on and he's too much of a pussy to tell them to go away. Ant is legitimately afraid of Brother Joe.

Like girls who bring a fat friend to the bar to look less shit in comparison.

He is very unattractive.

He’s got the longest teeth I’ve ever seen on a person

They look like dirty urinals.

He can bite through human bones.

that's the magic of advanced gum disease

Nana waiting to be fed in the background.

That is one irrelevant photo right there

I want to get Big A and Rob Zombie in the same room.

A new horror movie would write itself.

Best shade of yellow: Big A's teeth, his shirt, or Anthony's skin?

Reminder: Big A is 27 years old


He can't be.

Found the guy who never listened to the show.

He was 14 years old

Defines the expression a face for radio

Fucking Jesus. Someone put this man out of his misery.

The man in the back, that is.


We are 3 guys who think kidnap, rape and murder is ok!

Make that four ✋

I get that Big A is ugly and fat but must he insist on not washing his hair and brushing his teeth, as well?

If I looked like a genuine ogre I'd probably just abandon hygiene altogether too.

Just in time for Halloween, indeed.

Nana thinks we're jealous that he gets to spend all of his time with these "people"

Matt Iseman looks like a cross between Jay Mohr and Alex Jones.

That's not Jay Mohr?

Can't possibly be, Jay Mohr can be funny.

This couldn't look more like a Nambla poster if they tried

Da fuq happened to Jay Mohr's face?

It's Matt Iseman

Well kill you before we eat you.. chill...

I wonder how many children he has molested at the "compound."

Business in the front, party in the dungeon.

"they smile as they hit you" or something

FACT: Ted Bundy had consensual sex with more women than both of these dweebs combined.

hills have eyes niggers

Fucking monster

Ollllllll' Nosferatu teeth

Big A is the Hormone Monster from Big Mouth

That made me think of a new game:

Jay Mohr or Fat Opie?

Jay Mohr looks like shit

Why does Jay mohr face look like its floating around looking for a spot to stop

Big A looks like one of those illustrations from Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark.

Big A's gum tissue has all rotted away due to gingivitis. Those teeth have nothing to hold onto anymore, they're probably loose as fuck too.
