Norton makes a fucking idiot of himself in front of Gordon Ramsay. Then pulls a HAHA HOLY SHIT to subside discomfort.

1  2018-10-20 by RapistWithHIV


This dumbass is so obsessed with his Europeans are scuuumbags to Americans narrative that he forgets his guest isn't American.

Bubble boy

I don't know what would be more pathetic, that Opie pays you to watch/listen to everything that Norton does and make all of these videos that bash him or the possibility that you do all of it for free.

You baby boy

Jim sounds like a fuckin idiot but as usual, the worst thing about this is the mutant

Way to steal Bob Levy's hair.

Kind of a stretch. Yes he fucked up, but then he just had a laugh at himself.

Not the fake Cumia HAHA HOLLLEEE SHIT we are all familiar with.

On the bright side this may be the first genuine laugh I’ve heard on Jim n Sam. That entire show is nothing but polite fake laughs

The Kreischer/Gervais ep was genuinely good. I was as surprised as anyone, but despite that anomaly they quickly reverted to just as shit as we're accustomed.