Street shitting propensity by nation.

1  2018-10-20 by Nulltor


No prizes will be given for guessing correctly.

So diverse

Hmm... I question the veracity of these statistics. San Francisco isn't even listed.

Seattle, Portland. SF all have an unhinged, aggressive species of homeless, but SF does have the worst.

I have a theory that it's gotten worse since the city installed those trash compactor garbage cans.

What's the use of pissing in a bottle when the receptacle smashes it and the piss leaks out?

Aka America’s anus

Also China.

I’m sure the major cities are generally pretty clean but I’ve seen dozens of videos of people in China taking sneaky sidewalk shits.

If I'm to believe this map, the highest concentration of street shitters is also a place with the fewest streets?


It's not fair to say they just shit in the street. They also shit in the rivers they drink from.

I guarantee the street shitting is way worse throughout Africa. They've just got such shit monkey infrastructure they can't even track that properly

The difference is, those niggers will use a toilet if you give them one. Pajeet will turn it into a shrine.

Can't shit in the street when there's no street.


I wonder how you would tell people your job is to find and record the amount of people shitting in public around the world.

Frisco rules

Eating shit

Brown people are fucking disgusting.

They really are and I'm tried of a certain group of people constantly telling me we're all exactly the same.

I’m better than u in every way

Baseless assertion

It’s true tho

Baseless assertion

It isn’t tho

Maybe not, maybe it's just a lie, because I bet /u/ValentinaBillien knows what "baseless" means

Dude Japan wtf

You don't know where Japan is.

Did you just mix up Japan with Madagascar?

No, I thought Japan was in the 1.1 color but I made a mistake. I'm glad.

There seems to be data missing from a couple beaches that Opie visits...

A few minor changes and this could also be a map of average skin color

It is a funny choice of hue.

Nice canard, stupid.

Data is old and wasn't very accurate to begin with.

Deeble dobble poo in loo

Didn't they own the Titanic?

We’ll be a super power by 2020

No, your government will be a super power. You will still be looking up to the people who don't bathe in a river with floating steamers while hoping to be the 4th person crammed onto a scooter

I imagine Hell is actually something like India

Shithole countries.

Facts don’t care about your feelings