REMINDER: Ant will lock up live on air during a conflict, but Ronnie B.? HE'S the sensitive one!

1  2018-10-20 by lifeobenreilly


Judgmental from the guy who sees black man in public with dreads and can't wait a moment to sneak a picture and post it on Twitter comparing him to Predator.

And then jerk off to it.

This motherfucker is/was so delusional

u/Futhuhmucker comment?

It looks like Ronny b hurt poor Anthonys feelings.

And when you said...

All the Rose Cumia corpse Photoshop pictures were just harmless silliness? Looked more like malicious intent to me. Like you wanted to really hurt the feelings of a stranger because....upvotes?

...I realised I agree with you that hurting peoples feelings is never funny.

Why was Ronny not more sensitive?


Come on. Tell us how you really feel?

Who the fuck cares about upvotes

Everyone, according to u/Futhuhmucker

is the fucker over there huffing paint now, or what?

Huffing dicks

Huffing taint.

Ron has only one choice. Go on Anthony’s show (of course Ant will let him on his show) and destroy him publicly.

Anthony would just repeat the last sentence Ron said every time while trying to look pensive - "I'm a late-stage alcoholic in the midst of a deep homosexual panic...huh" - before forcing a grin and looking off-camera at Master Keith.

Well, at least Anthony said this to Ron's face before he passively aggressively tweeted it...oh, wait, he didn't say anything - just clammed up like the nervous old queer he is and grinned nervously straight into the camera. Old, vibrating egg faggot.

It's almost like the Cumia Brothers are total pussies who pretend to be tough guys.

Well, at least Anthony was cool with people giving him a hard time about bombing at the roast...oh wait, he couldn't take the jokes and offered his ballwashers money if they got this subreddit shut down.

Ant is a shitty entertainer and very sensitive

"A tad judgmental"? No, no - Ronnie saw through you entirely and passed powerful judgment upon your defeated soul. You whimpered and cowardly scurried away from the truth.

He actually believes Ron is judgmental because the only people who are willing to spend a minute with Ant have to be paid $60,000 a year so when Ant beats up a retard, bites a heroin addict, or rapes an 8 year old, they all just go "Cool stuff, man! You're doing great!".

I think this has pissed me off more than any of the other stuff Ant has done. It's so typically snide and chickenshit of him. The Cumia sisters are the biggest fucking pussy wops I've ever heard of.


Ant’s Maker is going to be a bit judgmental after he dies.

Anthony's disliked Ron since the show where Ron tried to do an intervention for him and all Anthony could do was fake laugh and pretend he was taking Ron's points onboard.

It's not like Anthony to choose his alcoholism over his career.

Oh but he actually did.

Anthony is not used to people close to him telling him what he needs to hear since he surrounds himself with ballwashing sychophants and pays them to tell him he's still hilarious. He lashes out at anyone who criticizes him.

Pretty sure that was the Colin Fagerty episode.

Ron’s comments/behavior through that whole episode were the most alpha thing anyone in the O&A universe has ever done on air.

At one point when Ant started going back into politics Ron recoiled like he'd just been shot in the chest.

Ant called Ronnie B. “judgmental” to defend the never judgmental Colin Flaherty.

I guess he forgot to think.



Ant hated kicking Colin off the show that day, he made a few references after to it being his show, but felt humiliated by Bennington for giving Colin a platform. He also resents Bennington for constantly negging him for his obsession with politics and anger over being funny.

He was crying when obama was in office and hes even more misserable ,now that the gop has everything!

Sure, but the left has radicalized and went batshit, keeping politics in the forefront of everything. Because Ant talks about current affairs on TACS and bases his show prep on that, he's locked into politics, especially as things are so polarized. I don't think funny Ant is coming back.

He’s also a fucking idiot. If anyone comes on his show with a different opinion he just makes a fool of himself.

but the left has radicalized and went batshit

I keep hearing this but I don't know what it means. The left hasn't really changed at all. Still a bunch of corporate fuckheads. Unless you're talking about fringe groups or retards on the internet being the left.

Ants another one who "open and honest discussion" also implies you have to agree with him or else he's rattled. What's that term? Snowflake?

Just when you thought he shouldn't die more painfully.

I still have a hard time believing Ant actually tweeted this. What a piece of shit.

Oh but he actually did.