Schumer’s given up comedy for the same reason Kaepernick quit football: their once promising careers are quickly ending because they both stink, so they posture themselves as activist martyrs so that their failures can be blamed on others and not on their incompetent performances

1  2018-10-20 by Donater666


No one wants Amy Schumer in their advertisements, Bud Light sales went down because of her.

We're not called miracle goggles
-beer goggles.

Hey! Seth and Amy are trying to talk to us about our country!

An obese jewess and a fucking Canadian.

A Jew Canadian at that.

Never forget Seth is one of ours

Jews subverting cultural institutions like the NFL and the media and endlessly talking about White racism, while ignoring their people's sins? Now that's just crazy talk!

Sales quadrupled in the Cumia household

Miss Schumer and the word light are incongruous. Miss Schumer’s vagina is said to be redolent first the business end of a garbage truck in July. i would not defecate on Miss Schumer if she was on fire.

Redelolent of. Ahhhh duck it. I hate this phony fatso.

lol in live game threads in football subs whenever a commercial with her comes on it turns into 5 minutes of hate comments

as if anyone was asking for her to be in a super bowl commercial

Ive decided to not fuck Jennifer Lawrence in solidarity

I've decided to not fuck Joey Lawrence in solidarity

I fucked Lawrence of Arabia out of solidarity.


This fucking twat.

I need attention! I'm important! Someone validate my existence!

That'll do, pig.

UBER wanted her to tell her story about getting finger fucked in a cab

I wish she would be raped by a pack of 'em.

Jesus Christ just shut the fuck up what a cunt just wanted to be an actress got Kurt to write her an act and show and now thinks she’s some sort of activist instead of just another Long Island pig

I would love to hear her try to discuss any of the social issues she claims to support in depth. She might be the least intelligent of all of these “political” opportunists. “Wouldn’t it be cool if...” and “The hottest thing a guy can do...”. Nice rationale you fat dunce.

She devalues everything she tries to be a part of.

I remember when she did Jim's advice show, a guy called up basically saying much of animosity towards her was because of her vehement, but uninformed political awakening following that shooting. He was saying something along the lines of that she should stop saying there is a 'gun show loophole' for acquiring weapons because, as he explained it, purchasing a weapon that way is illegal, therefore calling it a loophole is a misnomer. Her response wasn't to say that he was inaccurate, but instead to say 'I just don't see it that way, but I respect your opinion'. The guy continued that it wasn't a matter of opinion, so she finally wrapped up the call by saying something tantamount to 'I respect your truth but that's not my truth.' Although, assuming what the guy said was accurate, I do think he could have explained it better with a more blunt example like: Hey, I can't sell you drugs outside, where the police might see, but I found a nice legal loophole: follow me inside this building.

Did the tough-guy truth-teller Jim sit there silently while this good friend of his said "I respect your truth but that's not my truth."?


"I respect your truth, but that's not my truth."

What the actual fuck kind of response is that? She respects the truth, but she values her opinion more?

Then again, she said all of this on Jim's Advice show so she probably figured nobody would hear what nonsense she was spewing. Speaking of which, still waiting on that polygraph test you promised, Ms. Piggy.

Schumer fucking blows but don’t pretend Kaepernick isn’t on a roster because he’s bad at football. He would absolutely still be in the league today if not for kneeling.

I remember when Blaine Gabbert (That's right Blaine Gabbert) went to the 49ers to sub out Kaepernick. The O-Linemen were talking about hown refreshing it was to have a guy high fiving people and getting them pumped up.

He's not in the game now. Has nothing to do with his talent. The guy is toxic.

I remember reading stories about how his teammates couldn't stand him way before all this kneeling shit. Statistically, he was a decent QB but there's a lot more to being a QB than putting up stats. He was a shitty leader and the stories I read years back talked about how he'd just sit in the locker room with headphones on and never interact with anyone.

He's as white as he is black and shit, he may be more white. He was adopted at birth by a white family. Nigga has no need to have a chip on his shoulder. In that sense, he's like Obama.

Yeah, opposed to the other 500 or so players that take a knee and still have a job. He must be da mostus wokeust. White people be trippin'.

I think CK became the most radioactive because he was seen as the Malcolm X of the movement. Without him none of the players in less visible positions would’ve followed suit. The QB is also the de facto leader, figurehead, and face of the team. It’s just different when it’s the guy in the most high-profile position in all of sports. Bring in CK to start and your entire franchise transforms into Kill Whitey. Bring him in as a backup and endure 24/7 scrutiny about a guy who doesn’t even start. It’s understandable why 32 teams said nah, we’re good. He could’ve salvaged his career if he stopped being an attention whore with the stupid gesture after his original message got lost in the shuffle. It’s going to be an eternal mystery how good or bad he really was. He definitely could’ve helped his case if he had been able to throw with any touch before his career got derailed by social grandstanding.

I’ll solve that “eternal mystery” for ya. I had him on my fantasy team the last year he played. He sucked beyond belief. I wound up starting Carson fucking Palmer over him.

You’d think that CK would be a more viable option than the likes of Nathan Peterman or Derek Andersen. Neither one of those guys smoked Aaron Rodgers en route to a Super Bowl appearance that fell just short. The Jaguars would also be under pressure to bench Bortles if they had a guy like CK on roster. I don’t blame teams for black-balling him, though. He’d alienate at least half the fan-base. No teams will tolerate guys who generate a circus unless they’re amazing difference makers at their positions. Tebow’s career abruptly ended for the same reasons. CK was stupid for not dialing back on the protest shtick at a certain point, when cultural strides were tangibly taken. It became clear he cared more about self-aggrandizing activism than proving that his early success wasn’t a fluke.

He excelled during the gimmicky read option phase (just like RG3). That shit is gone, and so are his chances at being a successful NFL qb.

Not just his activism, he was about to be on the ravens when his girlfriend equated the ravens owner to a slavemaster on twitter.

My thought is she should shut the fuck up.

It's beautiful how she acknowledges it's a very petty and privileged "sacrifice" but I'm quoting here.. "it's all I got". How about donate some money in private so you dont feel compelled to try and literally raise yourself above Maroon 5.

We know you got money and resources of all kinds. Black people aren't stupid enough to believe this shit so I know only white people are going to be upvoting and supporting this.

I can't stand when white people try and sacrifice something that they got for being white just in exchange for our superior social media comments.

Shut up nigger.

Agreed, but (((Schumer))) isn't White.

I can't stand when white people try and sacrifice something that they got for being white just in exchange for our superior social media comments.

Yeah because there are and never have been any popular black entertainers


I wish she’d martyr herself right off a cliff.

Bonnie too, cunts.

Does Troy Quan do wet work, or something?

If she really wanted to make a statement she should stop letting the NFL use her skin to make footballs

Yeah I saw that Facebook comment too. We hate Amy Schumer because she steals jokes right?

Shame on you

What the hell does the NFL have to do with anything outside of football? What a Dumbass cunt.

Football is about breast cancer awareness.

And supporting the troops!

Kaep was going to get cut by Chip Kelly on the 9ers, so his NBPP girlfriend turned a retarded tan boy with a pet turtle and a sneaker collection into a political martyr.

It's a giant indictment of this country that people fell, and continue to fall, for this goofy faggot's bullshit.

It really is. Especially how they buy into the blacklisting theory but ignore the numerous times he's blown up his chances or not signed for what teams were offering.


"What are your thoughts?" = "tell me how important and brave I am"

Where's Colin's applause-punishment-cash-jar now that we really need it.

What a sanctimonious whale.

"the hottest thing a guy can do is get down on one knee." - yeah that really validates the movement, fall in line for pussy u guis.

One thing these loud fucks need to learn is a phrase: "the ends do not justify the means." Getting people to fall in line 'at any cost' is immoral.

And because people aren't kneeling they are complicit? "if you aren't with us you are against us" is also immoral. The complete dismissal of the possibility of a 'gray area' when it comes to issues is counter-productive and dangerous.

Maybe by kneeling they are going to catch more shit than 'kneeling' could ever do to solve the problem. "hmm, kneel and get threatened with a fine and/or lose my job when none of these people will help me out if I hit the skids OR just not make a scene and give some money to charities AND keep my job. What a dilemma."

Its LITERALLY a SYMBOLIC GESTURE. It does NOTHING besides 'raise awareness' which to date has done very little. I hear more about people bitching about the kneeling and 'not respecting flag/america/soldiers etc etc' than anything else. Big swing and a miss, retard.

How many inner city schools is Kaepernick gonna open? How many food programs will he be sponsoring? How many houses will he be buying for homeless and poor? Is he going to live at least some what modestly and give away anything above 7 figures or is he full of shit?

This retard spelled colour wrong too.

It's really incredible how little of a shit anyone in New York gives about football/sports in general and specifically this shit. Like, not at all. Period. This one's for you, Middle America!

It's honestly mind-blowing to think about the fact that she was a normal person who would laugh at the same thing Patrice would laugh at on O&A, and she somehow got away with completely changing her entire personality by lying and saying she was "playing a character" despite her new persona being blatantly phony.

O&A really had a gift for attracting people who turned into complete scumbag pieces of shit alarmingly quickly.

Not just a character, but a right wing Republican character. She pulled it off so well as a NYC jew related to a Democrat that is the Senator Minority Leader. So far as I know she hasn't explained what was so right wing and Republican about the first decade of her comedy career.

It was all written by Jeselnik

Add Jim Jefferies to that list.

And that guy who thought he could be happy with his existing sound system

She was playing a character? So even then she was a complete hack?

It seems less like they turned of their own volition and more like professional managers and publicists got to them and told them to lean hard into this fad for their careers.

That’s why all these hacky fucks are overexposed now.

privilege ass sacrifice

Dokschumenchree when

Imagine the self importance required to write this shit.

She only has a career because of her gender yet she simultaneously pretends she is a victim of discrimination.



Nick Kroll is the same way, but he's too busy putting out child pornography on Netflix to be a nation-wrecking jew twit.

Isn’t Nick Krolls dad a billionaire?

Here's what I don't understand about these faggots: THE NFL HAS DONE NOTHING WRONG. How are they the aggressors here? The new NFL policy statement posed that: "Personnel who choose not to stand for the anthem may stay in the locker room or in a similar location off the field, until after the anthem has been performed." That's the best deal that these dopes gave these other dopes. They could've just made their attendance mandatory, instead they met them halfway. By not being on the field during the anthem, you still get to have your fruity, confused, misdirected statement, without being fined. BUT IT'S STILL NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Why? At that point, refusing a deal like that means you just want to be an attention whore, not an activist.

Also: Amy Schumer is the very embodiment of everything that's wrong with women and discourse in 2018.

The NFL also agreed to fund NINETY MILLION DOLLARS millions of their BLM bullshit and community outreach and "money fo dem programs." They got it all and then ninety fucking million dollars yet they still bitch.

Not one penny of that will help anyone, it will be spent and stolen by the first people who get their hands on it. Like when Corey Booker got 100 mill for new jersey schools and all his friends got consulting jobs and the schools got nothing.

Or when african aid gets taken by warlords and the intended recipients get macheted for apeaking out.

But think about all the good feelings that money brought to white people living in New York and LA. Money well spent if you ask me.

Real ass comment of the day.👍

I’m sick of being lectured to stick up for black people. No other fucking minorities do anything for white people, but we’re expected to bend over backwards for everyone else.

Eat a dick.

Well they kinda built your country- for free.. and yea, being a bull to you and your whoooore wife is a nice extra they threw in there for ya

Go memorize some cereal ya Proud boy faggot

The black race picked cotton briefly more than a hundred and fifty years ago. Its a far cry from "building America," you tard.

They built this country the same way mules and horses did.

Yes, it was muh kangz that tamed the frontier... how could they if they were mostly all slaves??

You dont hear the asians crying and they built the railroad. They understand that life is cheap and complaining costs energy.

I’m sick of people focusing on race.

If there aren’t laws discriminating against you then shut up and make something out of your life. Nothing is handed to you, only your family is there when it really matters. If your family sucks, work hard and raise your own family that you can support and raise up.

My thoughts are the same as the mass majority.

She was never asked to be in any advertisements. She's posting shit like this to stay relevant because she hasn't done anything people have liked in years.

This is the MO of a lot of actresses when their career starts to fade. Her career has been on the decline for a few years now. She isn't getting those script offers like she was so she's doing this in the hopes that it keeps her relevant.

Hey, remember that person who hasn't got a show anymore, had a flop Netflix special and three flop films in a row and the last ad campaign she was in hurt the sales of the company? Yeah, Amy Schumer, that's her name, right. We're gonna put that sloppy drunk fatso whose fifteen minutes of fame were up an hour ago in a multi-million dollar ad campaign that will be seen by one hundred million people-Ad execs

This little larcenist wouldn't turn down Bud Light Part Two out of solidarity with a shitty QB who hasn't played football in two seasons and was pure ratings and revenue poison for the NFL and ESPN. That's absurd.

What does she mean by “brothers”?

The only way to solve racism is to nut up as whites.

So many fucking jews get high on their supply and start acting like the black people they imported and promoted in America for centuries. Just look at all the word choices and syntax here, this is Woke Black Twitter writing. Pipe down with the brothers and sisters bullshit, you multimillionaire jew. She's MC Serch.

Ahh yes, the marxist feminist jew. Always at the ready to play the victim card. Always at the ready to exploit black people and their story for your own posturing.

America and the west has a severe marxist jew problem and i say it finally be delt with.

What would we do if we did not have the moral compass of a half wit comedian to be our guide?

Why hasn't Nick Dipalo spoke out against this bitch. She seems to say everything he would hate.

Nick is old school, she gave him work on her show, so he probably has some loyalty towards her and she gets a pass.

Maybe these white guys are half broke dopes too and just want a fucking pay check before they get cut or have to retire

Unfortunately we have to tow the line sometimes.

This is today’s comedy. Blame white men for everything. Hahaha.

Truly an NPC.

I don't think it's just a career move for Schumer, relative of Chuck Schumer (D-NY). I think it's real politics. Of course, as a Jew by ethnicity and self-identification, the intervention on behalf of "people of color" is a way to vicariously establish further laws and rights of protection for themselves and to fracture the power of the dominant group in their host country. They've been playing this schtick a long time in this country, but it seems every day fewer people are falling for it.

As a non US faggot without knowing or really giving a shit is this what happend?

1: Black overpaid (standard in nfl) player in a sport that employs mostly black people to an absurd amount kneels during thr US anthem to score political points which is in breach of his contract because after all they paid him to sell tickets and attract advertisers not insult the whole concept of America since that anthem represents everyone in the us.

2:other rich asshiles make a martyr of this spoiled rich asshole.

3:Amy shumer, one foot on hasbeen terratory uses this horseshit to try to garner attention like a fucking women always do.

Is this what happend?

Not quite. The NFL player conduct policy states that players should stand for the anthem, not that they must stand for anthem, so Kaepernick wasn't in breach of contract. The Niners and other teams didn't give him a new contract because he wanted to get paid like a starting quarterback even though he was only good enough to be backup quarterback. Why make five million a year standing on the sidelines when you can play the victim and make more money from Nike?

What ak absolute faggot. Im a half a fag myself with a center approach to politics but jesus christ these leftist cocksuckers are attention seekers. Not exonrating the over the top wannabe white middle class alt right faggots who complain about everything

I would love to know what the actual, tangible goal is with things like this...say they get the nfl shut that some kind for black people? What do they want

Why isn't she posting stats on black v. black "brutality" in comparison to police "brutality".

Amy needs to get eaten by a shark

So you're racist for not kneeling now? Jesus she needs to STFU. That changed my attitude real quick.

I bet Princess Pander took a furry man-sized Clydesdale dump this morning.

I see more and more unfunny broads going down this road, because it will engender them some sort of supportive audience. They realize they're generally talentless and are losing traction, so they go all in as a 'progressive activist.' I curse the day god created woman.

This has to be a bit, right?

The truly deep inequality and endless racism for people of colour face in this country.

Remind me again where you'll find multimillionaire coloured athletes apart from the west.

Would love to know what her thoughts are on Israel being as her cousin is a dual citizen.

Double standard kike.

Weren’t there mass protests in Israel calling for the deportation of African migrants?

Well they kinda built your country- for free.. and yea, being a bull to you and your whoooore wife is a nice extra they threw in there for ya

Go memorize some cereal ya Proud boy faggot

I’m sick of people focusing on race.

If there aren’t laws discriminating against you then shut up and make something out of your life. Nothing is handed to you, only your family is there when it really matters. If your family sucks, work hard and raise your own family that you can support and raise up.