Nice turd cutter, stupid

1  2018-10-19 by EskimoEscrow


Not bad for an old bitch. I wish she'd just do nudes/porn, I'd give her much more money and admiration than I do when she tries to be funny

It is nice.

The only word I can think to describe this is “fanny”, which just sounds ugly and unappealing.

Wouldnt vos always say that it was flat?

It looks even worse. It's one of those kind of asses that are flat on the outside, and only get a sense of weight and volume in the cheeks near the lower end of the ass crack. It's like a slightly more pronounced Hank Hill ass.

Lose some damn weight bobby.

He famously said her ass looks like Margaret Cho's face.

That’s not even her ass, confirmed she used a stand in. Bitch is as flat as a tack


What was the point of that scene according to her?



Who's shit slicer is that?


Golden buns?

Look at her thigh gap, that oppressive cunt.

Thigh gap

Morst interesting thing about her.

Yeah,yeah nice cottage cheese cover up.2cunt mccunty.