Rich Vos and his crooked-toothed bitch of a wife.

1  2018-10-19 by AnthonyGroomia


She’s holding it together.

I would.

*Richard McFarlane.

that kid is gonna look like a rat in a way that makes me sad

Too bad he's half jewish and cant do martial arts to teach it to some turtles.

Such a cutie, Bonnie's okay too I guess.

Why does she look different in every photo?

Well she did marry a shapeshifter

Rich didn't get taught any of the jew superpowers

They're called Crest white strips. Use them!

She still looks sexy

yeah, I'd eat her ass regardless of how annoying she's become.

For a 61 year old ex crackhead and alcoholic, Voss looks pretty good.

He has a nice head of hair, he looks so much better without the hats.

Bitch got butter pats.

He did well for himself. That tooth is an easy fix too.

Nice Anita Sarkeesian face, stupid

I would face-fuck her but that teeth would scrape my dick so bad I would've to punch her in the mouth.

Is dentistry not included in the free Canadian health care?

No, it's not.

Bonnie looks horrible in pink.

What’s up mersh.

What is he, like 5'6"?

Joan Cusack. Thats what that bitch looks like. Ugh.