Sam is no longer wearing his wedding ring, Jess finally left the mongoloid manchild

1  2018-10-19 by peopleforgetthat


Maybe he lost it in Mary Jean's snatch when he was fingerbanging her behind Jess and Jim's backs.

Finger banging mary jean rotten crotch in her purdy pink panties

The only man that has the ability to grow a full beard that can’t pull off a beard

It brings attention his horrible teeth and lack of lips.

Oh by the way if you guys haven’t noticed, he’s trying to emulate Mick Foley’s goatee except it’s shit.

Beards hide features like bad teeth faggot I know this because when I shave I get comments like "dude I didn't know ur teeth were like that lol"

That's what looks so wrong about it. I couldn't quite put my fingers on it.

Imagine living in New York, being wed to a Jewess who you've impregnated and now headed toward a divorce. It's fucking OVER for this mongoloid.

Better to be single than stuck in the attic with Anne Frank.

He has the herpetic pig Mary Jean waiting in the wings

And you know she did it when he got the morning show contact. More alimony.

Anth predicted that when they talked about Sam getting married.

I hope she takes all his wrestling toys in the divorce settlement, that alone should push Simian Roberts over the edge.

Don't forget his stupid sneakers

I hope she takes all his wrestling toys in the divorce settlement, that alone should push Simian Roberts over the edge.

Nice chin implant, Sam. No, it doesn't look good. But now we know you're deeply hurt by all the things that are said about your looks.

Has this been discussed on the show at all?

No. They went to Disney together just last week. They didn't take their son. Sam did it as a surprise break. So either it was a last ditch attempt or nothing in this fun speculation.

why are you the Sam Roberts biographer

To provide this sub with substance.

Thank you for your service


Going to fucking Disneyland/world whatever as an adult without children is just desperately pathetic and, frankly, weird.

Yeah its creepy as fuck. I went aged 14 as I have younger siblings and cousins and I think it was that moment I realised Americans are dorks.

Well yeah, Americans who go to Disney obviously.

I was like 13 the last time I went with family and remember thinking even at that age “I’m way too old for all of this”.

Blows my mind adults can go there sans children and somehow enjoy it. You may as well just go to a casino instead for how much money you’re gonna waste.

So is obsessing about pro wrestling without children.

That's just gay.

God forbid he take her to a beach or something, what a fucking idiot


As a married guy with kids, being able to get away with your woman and without the children is a rare and special event to be spent wisely.

Beach (preferably Seychelles, Sardinia or somewhere else a bit special - fuck off Marbella or Miami), swimming and relaxing, fucking after lunch, siesta, dinner and cocktails. Repeat.

Faggot Man-child Sam takes her to see Mickey and Goofy. Travis is just as bad. Ok, he's got a kid but you just know he enjoys it more than her or his Norton-fucking wife.

nice clenched fist stupid

That would be the best thing ever. It is also funny that he can't talk about it on the radio for fear of the beating he will take from this sub. Faggot.

Oh dear. Looks like he's been without it for the past week or two

Maybe Jess caught him straying again.

Sam’s head and hair make him look like Wilson from “Castaway”

At least the ball knew when to float the fuck away.

He's using a selfie stick.

Here he's wearing it.

Great news. Sam's getting divorced

Why the fuck is normand wearing a shirt about black women music lmfao wtf must be trying to get in Amy’s good graces again

He definitely was wearing it in his ig photo on 9/5, clear as day. That’s the last photo he was wearing it in that I saw

His fingers are too small for a man's wedding ring.

It's probably being fitted for a child's sized ring.

At least she'll be raising one kid instead of two.

Line of the day

he looks like a horribly failed attempt to clone Louie C.K.

He looks like Fez

Rude and rude


wouldn't it be funny if it was because she was sent the sam documentary over facebook

like i know the chances of that being the reason are slim, but it's possible it was the straw that broke the camel's back


A lot of people, once they're over the newly wed bullshit, start taking off their wedding rings since they don't need to prove shit anymore and it's better to just not worry about it. However, Sam is the kind of manchild goober that would wear a friendship ring his entire life, or a chastity ring until marriage. So this does raise some questions.

What is there to not worry about for him? Isn't it just a simple gold band - they don't slip off on their own. Unless he's some sort of faggo... nevermind.

Nice upper lip stupid

Look how much hair is between his upper lip and nose, yuck. Talentless faggot

That ball was twice the man Sam will ever be.

I want to shave Sam's beard with a howitzer.

He should shave with a guillotine.

Do ya think it was all the wrestling toys?

Good for her, I would leave to if my spouse regularly forced me to consume their shit.

What should we gift /u/Porsalin if we find out her decision was final after his doc came out?

I just assumed it came off inside another man's anus.

Sam’s head and hair make him look like Wilson from “Castaway”

He's using a selfie stick.

Here he's wearing it.

Great news. Sam's getting divorced

Why the fuck is normand wearing a shirt about black women music lmfao wtf must be trying to get in Amy’s good graces again

He definitely was wearing it in his ig photo on 9/5, clear as day. That’s the last photo he was wearing it in that I saw