Friendly reminder: You can kill Steve C in GTA IV, so you can do in a video game what Sam and Danny did in real life!

1  2018-10-19 by TonyFromLongIsland


Steve was a selfish fat fuck that abandoned his kid because he was too lazy to find a real job.

That's vulgah.

You shouldn't speak ill of the dead because they're not here to defend themselves. Have some manners.

He chose not to be here. Fuck him.

I always wondered where their voices were used the game... a ton of regulars and associated people with the show from around 2006-2008 are in there, but the only obvious ones are Fez and Patrice in a celebrity gossip show, and Jim on a court show. The rest are used for minor npc's as far as I know.

Nice decision to commit that to memory, stupid

Most things you don't decide to remember. You just remember them. Like from now on I will remember you're a fucking moron.

Nice downvoting truth, stupids

lots of unfunny

In Red Dead Redemption, Ronnie B is the owner of a gun store

It’s Anthony stupid

True, Ronnie is also around there somewhere.

I think he was one of the deputies for the sheriff in armadillo, something like that

He is. He rides around on a horse.

RIP Queer Steve C

Dude go fuck yourself

Found steves account

You’d be alive if it wasn’t for my Dovid!

I'd use in-game insults to see if is character would eventually kill itself

And THAT’S how you execute producers!