TFW your cohost is just as much of an insufferable man child as you are, but you at least had sex with a real woman and may or may not have bore a child with said woman

1  2018-10-19 by yamuddahscuntthen


Omg. Tell this is a real pic.

Fresh screen cap of @notsam’s insta story

That’s atrocious. He looks like a legit faggot.

Looks like?

There just isn't an uglier face on this whole fuckin planet. I mean if you are a burn victim or you have Edward James Olmos pockmarks, you're ugly. But you could never be ugly on this level.

this bullyin has gotten outta han tbh, he’s nawt as bad as ur sayin fam tbh, he’s at lease a 1/10 tbh

The kids probably Troy's

He will ceremoniously push it off a cliff when it comes off age.

You can tell he's feeling sexy in this shot.

You can tell he's feeling sexy in this shot.

Guy looks redic.

Balloon-Dick Foley here with his patchy goatee is flopping badly. Did Porsalin really bully this guy into growing nasty facial hair to hide his double chin and simian philtrum? I think he did.

He looks like he works debt collection in rural Colorado