This female comedian, like, wants abuse survivors, like, to know, like, they’re not alone and stuff

1  2018-10-19 by crookedmile


Huffington Post is the Brietbart of the left.

Both are funnier than a Bonnie McFailin set

Except the left also has: Buzzfeed, Slate, Washington Post, USA Today, CNN, MSNBC, The Daily Beast, The Jew York Times, Politico, Bloomberg, NPR, The Atlantic, CBS, and ABC.

Don't do that. Don't fall into that BS nonsense. You know full well there's plenty of right and Alt Right sites.

It's all 2nd rate. I didn't agree with Breitbart on everything philosophically, but the guy was right about mainstream media being dishonest liberal horse shit. People that are not fans of turning the country into a welfare state have Fox News, AM Radio, and that's pretty much it to counter.

Yeah. The people who want to hand over the country to corporate interests at their own peril like to hear the dark money sponsored "news" from the outlets you mentioned. "Welfare State" is a term that was paid for. It was developed by the dark money donors to have you punch down, instead of up. Go ahead and down vote it.

You say "corporate interests" like the libs really stick it to The Man. Their policies have only made big business bigger, while stifling smaller companies.

"The libs". Oh well, so much for mature conversation.

Mature conversation? Nigga, where u think u iz???

The Oprah Winfrey sub? Wait a minute...

You know what's funny about this? Even though we would probably hate every one of eachother's philosophical/political views, we can *still * agree that Bonnie is terrible.

She's a fucking cunt.

Not funny either.

What kind of mother leaves her kid all weekend to attempt bad comedy at glorified bars?

A neglectful mother

Don't do that.

Don't fall into that BS nonsense.

u write like a fag and your shit's all retarded


She's playing to a room of less than a dozen people. Time to take that civil service exam.

Ah hat feelin alone Tbh

She loojs very oily and I can't imagine she smells acceptable.

without you specifically stating "female" it's totally up in the air

without you specifically stating "female" it's totally up in the air

I don’t want abused women to feel alone so I’ve already punched 3 more today.

No one abused that living gremlin.