1  2018-10-18 by Every1ShouldBKilled

This petty, jealous, bitter cunt is really stepping out of her lane lately, and Rich can't seem to get a handle on her. She's had her own preexisting prejudice about men in comedy blown up right in her face (Women Aren't Funny), yet she STILL can't shut up about how hard it is for women in comedy.

She's a fucking STUNOD with an indignant cunt's version of Joe Matarese's career. It's time to troll her into the fucking ground with one of your excellent outputs. Who cares if Vos get's butthurt at this place. There's tons of material to work with when it comes to this broad, and right now she's trying to be queen bee of NYC comedy feminists.

All she needs is a film about her to act like a well-placed punch with one-shot KO power, that'll knock her out of favor with the Gadsby-esque crowd.

u/BeigeFrequency and u/porsalin: Please help with this; something great and succinct (whatever you can on such short notice), hopefully RIGHT before the midterm election. Then go back to whatever it was you were working on.


Bonnie is funnier than Rich by miles. Funnier than Norton, Derosa, Bobby, Ant, Opie... Honestly was one of my favorite guests back in the day along with Jim Jeffries, and obviously Louie. CQ is the undisputed champ, but this sub clearly doesn't remember how many times Bonnie made me howl with laughter.

Shut up, faggot.

Lmao found Joe Derosa's account! How is life without shoulders Joe?

Good one you fucking 2008 living shmuck

You sick son of a bitch!


This has got to be in the Hall of Fame of dumbest comments in the history of this sub.

this sub clearly doesn't remember how many times Bonnie made me howl with laughter.

Mega Fag.

Shut up Bonnie

Shit up shuthead.

Shut up Bonnie.

Fucking oof. I am about to throw up. God god holy shit that was the gayest shit I have heard in ages. I’m not feeling so well guys.

Thx bro

How the fuck would we know how many times you "howled with laughter"? You're a fag and a retard.

Because I thought it was funny stuff so it made me laugh you idiot... Pretty straight forwad

You're not getting it, stupid. No one can hear what you howl with laughter at. none of us are sitting with you in your dingy hovel as you howl with laughter in between licks of a pickled egg.

It doesn't matter who hears it. I laughed because I found it funny you dummy... Also pickled eggs are delish

Bonnie is essentially just an NPC that's trying to also have a personality. Rich is the soy boy cuck that married her. You can't depend on Rich to straighten her out. So it looks like we'll have to.

Wouldn’t you be unhappy too? I think Colin said it best she could of married some nerd LA comic like Patton but instead picked a jersey hack. Also I don’t mind her but a lot of people give her a pass cuz of Vos. She’s definitely been losing it lately probably cuz she thought she’d be bigger by now Vos is on the road and she’s at home blah blah.

Yeah but if she married Patton she'd be dead by now...

I'm not sure marrying Patton is such a good idea...

I definitely would have enjoyed it more.

Now you see what that sly fox Colin Quinn was getting at.

maybe not for her but for the rest of us it would've been great

I think we should let it cook a little longer. The meltdown will only get worse with time

Just like Ant. Its not going to get any better. Just sit back and watch it burn.

I agree and disagree. Right now; this is probably her peak, because she's not as insane or as dumb as Matarese to fly off the deep end like he did. Her indignant cuntyness is only peaking as the metoo thing is, and a good documentary - possibly after the Republican win in 2020 - will rub salt in the wounds that were just put there by it.

Leave it alone

You just HAD to bring politics into it...

You blew it u/Every1ShouldBKilled, you big fat pig.

Now you turned me off the idea entirely. I like teasing people and making docs but I'm not getting involved in faggy political shit. I'm sure one of the REKTFEMINISTDESTROYED youtube channels will eat this up though.

I'm not trying to make it political AT ALL...I'm just saying she's one of those people that would get seriously bummed by a republican win, so having a documentary that breaks the balls of her career while she's whining about their win is a good way to really steam her buns over the edge, toward a meltdown. Has nothing to do with politics. I mean: You're ready to burn Jim Jefferies, and he's been an insufferable leftist cunt lately. So why not do both of them? Jefferies you can get down the line, but a good doc about a nobody like Bonnie - during a period when Louie is getting his career back and Kavanaugh is in office and the Republicans have a real shot at winning in 2020 - would be just the trick to make this woman loose her marbles completely. She'd be MORE affected than Jefferies would, and isn't that the point of these?

It's not political but let me mention republicans and Kavanaugh in my comment saying this isn't political.

Read between the lines: She's the kind of person that would be MAD at all of that. I PERSONALLY DONT GIVE A TURKEY ONE WAY OR THE OTHER. SHE DOES. You would just be adding one more straw to the camel's back in the right way at the right time. THATS IT.

But you've already poisoned the well either way. There is no way I can do it now without the video being associated with politics.

I'm not advocating anything politically, you fucking faggot. I'm saying SHE would, because she would get bent out of shape about all of this, right around the time she decided on being so political.

And you're doing a thing on Jim Jefferies! Who's already political and insufferable af! So what are you talking about?

The more you post, the less likely a doc on Bonnie becomes. By even bringing up politics, you're giving her a way to deflect legitimate criticism, you dunce.

make the doc and clam up.

This is going great

shut the fuck up already

Just because one fag is a fag doesn't mean you shouldn't do it you queer

Great. You ruined it with politics like Anthony did with his career. THANKS.

Kill yourself for being so passionate about this you loser. I'm looking forward to the jim Jefferies doc


I remember my first beer

Me too. I was 5.

I'm sure Jefferies doc isn't about him being "insufferable leftist cunt" (not trying to make it political! lol), I'd assume it's about him losing who the hell he was and is. Same thing happened with Jimmy, Ant, Stern, Jesus, etc. Bonnie is an ass and will always be an ass, no point in telling her she's an ass because she's sat in that stew her whole life. You bringing up politics (metoo, kavanaugh, leftist cunts, 2020, etc) makes it seem retarded as hell, on top of the stupid idea in the first place.

Then you're super aggressive to the dude you just asked help from. Fucking use your homeless shelter's office computer to whip something up in Window's Movie Maker, you lot lizard.

My point was the doc would rub the salt in the wounds, caused by all those other things. Thats all. It's u/beigefrequency's fault that he saw it like that.

Ya on principle fuck this and fuck this guy

Do it because it would be funny you fag. I love you buddy. We all just want that doc because we hate the bitch and it could be fucking hilarious. I don't give a shit about the politics of it

It would be funny but Bonnie is a nobody. And now she has an excuse to deflect any criticism made against her.

a la Joe Matarese?

Right now; this is probably her peak, because she’s not as insane as Matarese

Nice appropriate semicolon usage, stupid

Normally you'd be right but she's the female Jim Norton, she'll change into whatever the next socially conscious thing is.

Jim Norton is the female Jim Norton

The time to strike is now. Winter is coming soon and you do not want to be caught for when the snow begins to fall. Learn from history.

tfw you sent crypto donation to Quds force with a note "spend this on a rocket directed at Israel"

Shut up nerd

I think there is a ton of potential material there. Lots of good moments. Dice, or the funding of the women aren't funny doc by opie. Lots of putting vos over. Hes basically consistently the top babyface of this sub since the beginning. Get into the Lindsey friendship. The falling out over vos not wanting to be one of these vic Henley/fat cuban/n-person "GUYS" opie has to have around.

Also I remember sometime she told a story somewhere about how she was friends with Doug benson for a long time. And they were both drunk once and he was like trying to drive her home under the guise of concern but she knew he was trying to fuck him. And she was all you can drive me home but we ain't fucking(more or less). And he was like alright see ya! Doug benson face turn is imminent.

And besides all that, isnt it worth it for the list of vos plugs at the end? Or even randomly throw in vos plugs throughout.


and right now she's trying to be queen bee of NYC comedy feminists.

it's not working because people can intuitively sense that she is using it as a crutch to attain relevancy due to being a failed comic. It's a career move, not a strong conviction she's always had. Is she really getting much engagement or more attention beyond what she already had? It's not working.

Don't give her more attention. Modern women are like Jews - they want you to attack them so they can claim they are victims. Deny them that ammo.

Modern women are like Jews...


I agree, it's a great idea, one year from now.

Beige, here is a clip (time stamped) of Bill Burr calling out Bonnie for playing the 'clam card' on My Wife Hates Me after she takes a hit like comics are supposed to.

She’s too irrelevant and not unique enough to warrant that. She’s a dumb wimmin power cunt

I'm personally hoping porsy goes after Gavin & the Proud Boys next. Lot of diamonds in that mine.

Homoerotic name lead by a hipster doofus

It's odd seeing the larger media start to treat the Proud Boys seriously and give Gavin attention, when they've always been a joke

Are you gonna put a little antifa mask on your cock while you watch it?

No I won't. Will you be able to watch it with all the Game of Thrones online reddit roleplay occupying your spare time?

Why would I watch a faggy documentary?

The scout japed to Ser Damon, "Oi, you said 'wo week's provisions and yet you have a bloody barrel of Ale. Are your weeks longer than our's, Ser?

Ser Damon bellowed laughter and replied, "Aye, and so's my cock, just ask your wife!"

The scout laughed almost as loudly and retorted, "It must have been nice bedding a woman you didn't have to have give a bag of oats to first."

Ser Damon clapped the scout on the back, holding back tears of laughter. he gave the man a skin of wine and sent him back to the formation. He signaled to his party and announced, "Ready yourself men, we move out as soon as the Lydden men are here."

Boy you're a regular Patrick S Tomlinson. I really got the sense these men were jovial, first from the "bellowed laughter", second from the "laughed almost as loudly", and then by "clapped the scout on the back, holding back tears of laughter", boy howdy that was confirmed!

Too high profile

I think she either has menopause or her big la la land trip did nada for all her show proposals etc..

Now this is an idea I can get behind. It would be very hurtful to her feelings.

I second this motion. I've always hated her. Her tears are like a sweet, aged scotch to me.

Finally something will pop up when you Google her.

Title it: Bonnie Mcfarland,Nice Career Stupid

Porsalin can interview Opie about their beef.Show the beard thing. If you have the stomach to listen to their podcast it's full of things to make you hate her if you don't already.

More like sweet aged Scorch

Weird booze!

Patrice O’Neal.

I second this motion. Everyone in attendance that supports this please say aye.

Friend we've been asking for a Geoff Geffries expose long before demented world even premiered, it can wait

You spelled his name wrong, it's actually spelt 'C-U-C-K'.

Fuck Bonnie. Giving her a documentary just validates her as being on par with the others in terms of importance. In my eyes, she is just a gash who happens to be Rich Vos's wife.

Would you rank her more or less important than Joe Matarese?

Yep. This is a hack line, but...the funniest thing to come out of her mouth is Rich Vos' dick.... I'll be here all week

She stinks and I don't like her

That goes without saying, she's a female comic

I remember she did a Dr Katz. I found it on YouTube & I don't even get her segments as jokes. They are just like, statements

jesus. Its like she's actually in therapy, just saying shit that happened to her with no jokes. I bet she thinks its good because her gal pals thought it was hilarious.

Jesus she's old

I forgot how good old adult animation could be.

I wonder if her floundering book sales pushed Anthony Bourdain to suicide.

Don't give her a documentary; give her a one minute, poorly animated clip. She doesn't deserve the attention.

We'd need around $60,000 for something like that

Giving her any attention, positive or negative, will only give her the idea that she's important. Leave her to dwell in obscurity. She's a nobody.

She made her own documentary. What would be the point?

Exactly. The main 'stinger' would be the clip from her own documentary proving she just isn't funny and the idea people aren't laughing because she's a woman is bullshit. This has already been sorted.

That tweet about Louie's ego really got under my skin too. The gall of this utter nothing to say Louie has a big ego while she's touting around like hot shit with absolutely no achievements is inane.

She's such a hypocritical whore, she was JUST on radio saying she knew the girls it happened to when it happened and nobody was hurt by it, only annoyed they couldn't talk about it on stage. Then she gets on Twitter to try and impress her dyke audience with opinions she doesn't have.

"he asked women for consent 10 years ago before he was massive success?!...ahhhh the patriarchy!!"

Just blame anything other than your own ability to do comedy


And how egotistical is this -- dress like a man, do your act, to show everyone how easy it is for men to get laughs - (HER LIFE'S WORK)

And your ego is so fucking huge - you film the contrived, feeble-minded social experiment for your stupid documentary...

...Only to be humiliated, as the audience sat in unamused-silence.

Jim first, then Bonnie. Jim's had it coming longer

Fuck you talking about, boy? Did you miss our acclaimed documentary The Worm Has Turned? It has a great rating on IMDB.

Jim Jeffries, broseph.

Vos takes it from this sub better than anybody and he's been a good sport. We get Vos-rolls thanks to him. I give him the benefit of the doubt that Bonnie has some purpose, even though it is completely unclear to anyone else as to how she relates to comedy.

I'll trash nearly anyone here. Bick Bickerson? One fat motherfucker. Bonnie? I dunno, I just don't get worked up about her and her routine.

If we can't trash the fuck outta Dawn then I don't see why we should trash Bonnie. Vos didn't fuck a tranny (allegedly) and they aren't even related (allegedly).

You can trash Dawn. Who said you can't?

A friend of mine that I know really well got banned here a few years ago for insulting her overrated guinea ass, among other things. He was told that she was off-limits. Like a civilian, you know. Anyhow, that guy's gone. But I'm 100% sure it happened to my friend.

Just tell her that her retard sister belongs in a cage and she'll run off crying.

Her storming off after those comments are the only thing that springs up in my mind when I very rarely remember Bonnie.

The greatest thing Pat Dixon has contributed to society was that one episode.

Please, please, please

She's an unfunny hack who leaves her kid home all weekend to perform in clubs and get drunk.

"An Unfunny Woman"

This guy doesn't deserve a doc cause he's irrelevant and sucks but that Ted Alexandro doesn't receive nearly enough hate and ire either. He's the worst. Everytime I hear him randomly speaking he makes me sick

Everytime I hear him randomly speaking he makes me sick

You should get a bib then. Just in case.

I remember her trashed on Legion of Skanks slurring like the drunken whore she is. Cheating on Vos and making him doubt his daughter is hilarious but fucking sad

Also the whole cheating on Vos and making him doubt his daughter

wait what???

I didn't care to look into it more than this video

I think I’m gonna puke. Oh lord holy fuck that was the gayest shit I’ve heard in ages. I’m not felling so well guys.

This deserves it's own thread.

She should pay for this.

i laughed sorry

Shes so obscure theres even less footage of her than sam

Yeh but... Name a funnier female comic...?



Amy Schumer

Her material is as good as Patrice's for somehow.

God you guys are gay

She has an half hour on HBO (available on demand) from 2005 ....the jokes she tells are ones she would trash another woman for telling now in 2018 .....people grow..right guys

She married Rich Vos. Her life can't get any worse.

On the other hand, she'll probably take a hatchet to the back of Rich's head and drown her kids in a tub if you guys persist.


Not your personal army

I was listening to the episode of cum town she was on the other day. I noticed she does this old timey singsong voice when she talks, she has no confidence in her own shit. No one outside of O&A knows her, which is sad when any cunt can get a Netflix special these days

Why not go after hack female comics as a whole? Schumer, McFarlane and Silverman.

Silverman is a hypocrite and could have a doc solely aimed at her.


This entire thread needs to be shit-canned ASAP.

What did Bonnie do? I've always thought she was funny.

She wasn't horrible on the radio from my memories. She just harps on the feminist wagon, 'women are funny too' , 'louis ck ruined comedy for women' etc

Of they did make a video about a woman in the same vein as the Jim, Sam it Anthony docs it would get taken down by YouTube immediately.

Theres alot to be found on the Legion of Skanks episodes she did.

Who cares if Vos gets butthurt at this place.

No idea why Vos gets so much love here. He's annoying, stupid, and shit. And he was retarded enough to marry that fucking hole.

Nah, they should do one exposing sheboon Von Decarlo and her "documentary" scam dollars.

Nipples, threeways, and theft: The Von Decarlo Story.

Targeting Bonnie carries a decent chance of backfiring and getting her more positive attention, which I'm assuming would be an undesirable outcome to a lot of you. Dunking on Ant, Sambo or Jimmy is easy because they're toxic and unsympathetic to anyone with a functioning brain.

Shes a Prairie Bitch. the coldest brutal women in North America. If anyone wants to take that on they'd better be an Albertan or at least some Canadian Rig Pig who knows this subject and the consequences.

And that whole thing with Pat Dixon and fucking retards


Honestly, I would rather see another Joe Matarese documentary than cunt Bonnie. I thought the Matarese one was a masterpiece.

Do it yourself cunt

Family Guy was good though.

Yeah guys, quit making good stuff and focus on Bonnie. Can't wait for that 36 second doc.

First Jim Jefferies doe

I find Bonnie to be too stale to roast. (Kenny / Keith) the cop would be more interesting for a documentary. Especially since they have so much inside shit and they defended Opie and Anthony and went as far as do to background checks on people who talked shit to Jimmy on myspace

I think that is a dumb idea. Liberal media loves to pick up shit like that and spin it, and women love to grab ahold of "hate" and ride it for the fame being a female "victim" give you. Women are incapable of introspection anyways.

Waiting on you to realize these projects are attention seeking are as gay as the chip podcast.

Just like Ant. Its not going to get any better. Just sit back and watch it burn.

I agree and disagree. Right now; this is probably her peak, because she's not as insane or as dumb as Matarese to fly off the deep end like he did. Her indignant cuntyness is only peaking as the metoo thing is, and a good documentary - possibly after the Republican win in 2020 - will rub salt in the wounds that were just put there by it.

Normally you'd be right but she's the female Jim Norton, she'll change into whatever the next socially conscious thing is.

The time to strike is now. Winter is coming soon and you do not want to be caught for when the snow begins to fall. Learn from history.

I think there is a ton of potential material there. Lots of good moments. Dice, or the funding of the women aren't funny doc by opie. Lots of putting vos over. Hes basically consistently the top babyface of this sub since the beginning. Get into the Lindsey friendship. The falling out over vos not wanting to be one of these vic Henley/fat cuban/n-person "GUYS" opie has to have around.

Also I remember sometime she told a story somewhere about how she was friends with Doug benson for a long time. And they were both drunk once and he was like trying to drive her home under the guise of concern but she knew he was trying to fuck him. And she was all you can drive me home but we ain't fucking(more or less). And he was like alright see ya! Doug benson face turn is imminent.

And besides all that, isnt it worth it for the list of vos plugs at the end? Or even randomly throw in vos plugs throughout.


and right now she's trying to be queen bee of NYC comedy feminists.

it's not working because people can intuitively sense that she is using it as a crutch to attain relevancy due to being a failed comic. It's a career move, not a strong conviction she's always had. Is she really getting much engagement or more attention beyond what she already had? It's not working.

Don't give her more attention. Modern women are like Jews - they want you to attack them so they can claim they are victims. Deny them that ammo.

Weird booze!

This deserves it's own thread.

She should pay for this.

I agree, it's a great idea, one year from now.

Beige, here is a clip (time stamped) of Bill Burr calling out Bonnie for playing the 'clam card' on My Wife Hates Me after she takes a hit like comics are supposed to.

i laughed sorry