Quit the job I really liked today

1  2018-10-18 by OpieEatsBoogers

Another co-worker has had violent aggressive outbursts towards a few of us for no reason. Pretty sure he’s got a drug problem too because once the higher ups take off for the day he’s in and out of the bathroom. You hear snorting and he hacks a lot cause I think he’s got the drip of pills or something running down his throat.

My interactions with this guy sucked because of the last two hours of the work day it’s me and him working alone. He made several threats to me and just has this violent, aggressive crazy personality. When he’s not trying to start shit with me he’s throwing stuff around and yelling about everything.

Told my boss about it. He said he’s gotten a lot of complaints from employees who have also quit about this dude. Also, crazy guy’s sister is our HR person. He’s been there for 3 years. Really feel like they weren’t gonna get rid of him.

Monday he made a weird threat to me and I no showed on Tuesday. My boss called me an hour after I was suppose to be there begging me to stay and that dude was gonna get fired. I told him I was no longer comfortable being alone with the guy whatsoever. He talked me into staying.

So last night dude makes another threat and pretty much implied that if he would get fired it was probably because of me and that “that would not be good for you.”

Today I just no showed. Boss called but I didn’t answer. I’m not gonna get potentially murdered by this dude.

Anyone know if there’s legally anything I can do? Like I made several attempts to work with my boss and reported and documented every incident. It’s quite a long list of incidents.


I don’t care if this post has instructions on how to find the holy grail. We aren’t reading this, stupid.

Only the penitent man shall pass...

I just watched this movie two weeks ago. Still good.

With jasmine ?

Yup. I fawkin showed her a whole new world asumptin.

I still love that whole trilogy. Also, Kingdom Skull isn't good, but it's also better than all of the other modern day sequels.

Nice cup that Jesus drank out of, stupid.

I'm pretty sure it's the cup that caught his blood but what do I know?

You're both right.

No Vos roll. F-.

I think the legal term for this is "constructive dismissal". People do sue for it, but it depends on the laws of state. Why not just phone your boss back and tell him you're no showing because he threatened you, or call the police, or smash the guy's car up. Do something, anything other than be a pussy about it.

Exactly. Have you considered snorting more aggression pills than him? Fucking simple.

This guy gets it.

Then you fuck his ass to show dominance.

It's the only way.

have you taken any notes? noted things he said with times and dates? I would go back in there with a cheap recorder and see if you can get him on tape. They're just going to fire you for not showing up now and will note that in your hr file and use that against you if you file suit. Try to go back in and try to record an outburst and keep a journal.

Haha you fucking faggot

One time this guy at my job said you wanna go outside?? To this stupid baby faced spanish nigga and he called the cops and said he didn't want to be around him. That was a couple years ago and we still talk about it and make fun of him for it

And rightfully so.

Working at a Recycle Sorting Facility in the Florida heat must be tough!

Google workplace + harassment + attorney

Most workplace attorneys only work for comp claims, because insurance is involved. Harassment cases are usually settled out of court, and in my experience you'd be looking at a $5,000 - $10,000 settlement for something like this. Half will go to your lawyer. Try hard to find one that will work solely off contingency.

Sorry about losing the gig at Panera, brothaman.


Tell your manager you want opening shift instead of closing shift, or they can kiss the best Panera Bread associate they've ever had goodbye.

What state do you live in? Just goad the guy into getting into a fight with you and then shoot him.

You have to prove hostile work environment & that your employers knowingly subjected you to it. Helps if you can prove a pattern of behavior & show others felt this way as well.

He can do the opposite of that lying cunt in the Kavanaugh case ad corroborate with other employees who dealt with his shit. With any luck OP will go to jail for loying under oath.

Lemmie guess, you were trying to take a pic of some scaffolding and your coworker got in the shot and you wouldn’t delete the photo.

Or you recorded them shitting.

Depending if he knows where u live

call police, use your evidence AND make up physical threats that he's done BUT dont give his name or anything yet. You can literally say he threatened u in person that he'll kill you tonight(whenever) your proof will be good enough. Tell them he knows where you live no matter what to see what their solution would to be, if it seems like something that wont get you killed then follow thru

continue not following up with boss til you know youre safe cause that fucker will fire him and get you killed. Play it safe the entire time, explore the options without giving them the chance to fuck you over

Find an attorney who specializes in employment law and get a consultation. Get as much documentation as you can and bring it with you to the consultation.

Bring a gun to work. See whos takin shit then yo.

Hey dummy, post this to r/legaladvice and not r/opieandanthony

Why’d you quit? You have a phone, right? Press record any time he’s around. When you get enough indisputable evidence, hand a copy to HR and your immediate bosses. Tell them you’d like to file a complaint and that you are contemplating criminal proceedings and a civil action. If you work for a large enough company or government entity, send a copy to someone higher than your local office. Gonregional or national with your concerns. But don’t quit and don’t throw a stink. I’ve done that. You fuck your self over. Just diligently pursue your claims like an unemotional professional. If he kills you, oh well. You don’t have a wife or kid anyway, so no one will really miss you.

We certainly won't.

Sentence two ya fuckin blew it

Oh no wait I'm just retarded, fuck.

One good shot to the coke nostril and Kurt is down for the count, with a blood geyser erupting. Sadly, Kurt will probably overdose before this ongoing beef ever actually leads to blows, or gets reconciled after their throng of mutual friends intervene.

Oh shit, I thought this post was real

Break his fucking head open with a bat in the parking lot. YOU CAN ACT LIKE A MAN


tldr has never been more appropriate.

If other people have quit because of him you can probably prove hostile work environment and bullying. Those are both hot button issues right now. You should call your boss back though, tell him you are quitting and tell him exactly why and why you aren't giving two weeks notice. See if you can track down other people that quit and go to the labor board and report it.

The audience youre asking is more likely to be the person threatening you than anyone with sound advice

honestly I sorta identify with the angry coworker in this situation.

Try to fuck his sister.

And his brother.

kill him. its the only way

Sounds like the best way to resolve this conflict is with the ol' tried and true workplace shooting spree.

What did you do to this poor guy to wind him up?

He seems relatable

Go to /r/legaladvice.


Opie, EatsBoogers SHITDICK!

Jump the guy alone at night and cave his head in with a crowbar?

Why are you such a pussy

Panera Bread has a policy against this.

Call the cops stupid. Or be man and dominate him anally.