Bonnie 'The Cunt' McFarlane is anti-Louis CK.

1  2018-10-18 by JustPooch


Bonnie is a faggot.

Both are.

I guess they should have listened to their manager and shut up.

Bonnie called a black man a nigger to his face on national radio. If she wasn’t a complete nobody her career would be over, thing is her career never started so nobody gives a fuck.

Knowing how sensitive Rich is about his career/money I am sure he will make Bonnie clarify that they are not on unemployment.

Hey how about not ruining comedy then

She’s also anti-funny

What a stand she’s taking by “liking” tweets. Passive aggressive cunt

I really hope this sub gives her the brother Joe treatment

Well maybe you shouldn't fucking ruin comedy whores

Boo fucking hoo, did giving consent and then crying out for attention after you didn't get famous not get you work either? Wahhhh

God damnit, I don’t even like Louis. Now I feel like I have to root for Louis. Fuck.

Bonnie saying her, Dana and Julia laughing about it and just 'pissed' they were told not to use the incident for material on stage.

Why do they deserve brand new tasers?