More evidence of Jim's wormy behavior: his consistent support of Anthony

1  2018-10-18 by OminousDestruction

Jim Norton, the man who flips a bitch about the slightest reference of alcohol or drugs, continues to surround himself with an alcoholic and pill popper. Doesn't the alcohol reaking from Ant's pores make him call a sponsor? Nope. He's a fucking liar and probably envies Anthony for having real substance abuse issues.


Anth avoided jail by pretending to go to rehab. He had Ronnie B & Jim on his last show before rehab & it was staged as a mini intervention. He then had people actually in recovery like Vos & Colin cover for him & do shows while he was seeking “treatment.” He then pretended to be sober until after sentencing, when he claimed the whole thing was just to reduce his sentence... thus making a mockery of something Jim lives every day for.

How can he have been so wrong about someone

And Jim was the only one to believe him. Ron looked like he was on Candid Camera and knew it, meanwhile Jim keeps saying "I'm happy for you man, I really think it'll be good for you."

Dude Anthony’s his friend and he’d genuinely tell you if it bothered him

Jim watched him (admittedly) fuck an underage girl (in certain states of the tri-state area) in a limo after Sam's wedding.

Worm watched that emo 17 year old ride Nana's dick across state lines...