“I said without the yolk you scumbags!”

1  2018-10-18 by RBuddCumia


Really starting to wonder the avg age here

skewers7 70-72 tbh fam

Rub a dub dub

Me & U in a tub

Late 20s why

Just seems like the show is relevant to more young people than I’d expect. It’s pretty cool. A giant range of people meeting up to trash some faggot for not being able to enjoy his eggs with the yolk in them.

Fans of O&A range from 8 to 80

Ant wishes his fans ranged from 8 to 15

I'm in my early twenties but I feel like a lot of the new people here never really listened to the show and are just attaching themselves to the sub because they heard it was one of the 'naughty subreddits' or whatever.

I think the truckers have checked out permanently

Maybe on this sub but not from the actual show.

Nope, still here. And haven’t listened to any of the horse shit since 2014

WHAT?!?!?!WHAT HE SAY?!?!?!?!

Nice and very accurate rendering.

He’s lost weight, must be those fuck stick carrots

"I remember when they first invented PreP"

"I always hated it"

Maybe on this sub but not from the actual show.