People who had more acumen on social media than Anthony Cumia 1/100

1  2018-10-17 by IDoHeroin4Breakfast


Fuck aliens & fuck the cia

those shadow creatures live in a fourth dimension, are parasites on our souls, and project a false reality to keep us moving to feed off of us

Shut the fuck up nigger you're just a nigger, fuck you CIANiggers glow in dark at night you just gotta run them over at night while youre driving

fair point

I think we have reached an understanding... Q.E.D.

RIP to a real one

He's programming a 640x480 flight sim for God right now in heaven, RIP brotherman. Anyone who did coding in university/college and knows this guy has immense respect for him. Imagine the work it takes to build an OS from scratch solo. Really inspiring but sad stuff. Schizophrenia is a real motherfucker

It wasn't an OS. It was literally called "LoseTheOS."

Rumor has it he kissed the front of a speeding train.

Arguing semantics; the exact definition of an OS isn't widely accepted and it does most closely resemble an OS - most people refer to it as a "lightweight" operating system. Faggot nigger. You can still download it for less than 2 megs. It's 16 bit and 640x480 (the way God intended it); but Terry Davis had a desktop in his bedroom that natively loaded TempleOS.

Shut up, stupid.

...Terry, is that you? Don't be so modest

I havent thought about Terry Davis in a long time goddamn

He died just over 2 months ago; the last video he uploaded hours before he died is depressing as fuck; he deleted all his youtube videos too at the same time. Pretty sure it was a suicide, but who knows what was going through his head in those last moments.

Seems like a cross between Fonzie and Garth Algar.

He used to hang out at our town's library. I remember seeing him sometime several times just before summer. It's not surprising the guy was disturbed. He wasn't a yell at traffic kind of guy but he always had a zany, intense look on his face. Got hit by a train here a couple of months ago. Like someone else posted it was probably suicide.

My hero.

Arguing semantics; the exact definition of an OS isn't widely accepted and it does most closely resemble an OS - most people refer to it as a "lightweight" operating system. Faggot nigger. You can still download it for less than 2 megs. It's 16 bit and 640x480 (the way God intended it); but Terry Davis had a desktop in his bedroom that natively loaded TempleOS.